Personal exercise programme

Evaluation – this time I got 14 seconds in 100 meters run, I improved 1 second and I am happy with it. Activity 3: Warm up – deltoid stretch, waist rotation stretch, side stretch. Activity – discuss Warm down – deltoid stretch, waist rotation stretch, side stretch. Evaluation – I improved 3 meters this second time, so I got 33 meters. Week 5 Activity 1: Warm up – run around the gym twice, before go out side to do cross-country.

Activity – Cross-country, 2 laps Warm down – walk around the gym twice Evaluation – this time I did quite better, I got 13 minutes and 35 seconds this time. Activity 2: Warm up – deltoid stretch, waist rotation stretch, side stretch. Activity – javelin Warm down – deltoid stretch, waist rotation stretch, side stretch. Evaluation – I am very happy with my improvement, this time I got 22 meters. Activity 3: Warm up – lower back / hamstring stretch, gastrocnemius stretch and quadriceps stretch Activity – long jump Warm down – lower back / hamstring stretch, gastrocnemius stretch and quadriceps stretch.

Evaluation – I improved a bit, I did the movement better and I got 13.55 meters. Week 6 Activity 1: Warm up – I ran twice around the gym to warm up Activity – cooper test Warm down – walk slowly around the gym, twice Evaluation – this time I only got 35 laps, 1 more lap than last time. Warm up – neck stretch, side neck stretch, back of neck stretch, deltoid stretch, side stretch, waist rotation Activity – shot put Warm down – neck stretch, side neck stretch, back of neck stretch, deltoid stretch, side stretch, waist rotation Evaluation – I still found it hard this time but I improved, I got 6 meters.lap than the the last time.tet, this time i.

Activity 3: Warm up – deltoid stretch, side stretch, waist rotation, hamstring stretch, gastrocnemius stretch and quadriceps stretch Activity – basketball Warm down – deltoid stretch, side stretch, waist rotation, hamstring stretch, gastrocnemius stretch and quadriceps stretch Evaluation – I found it even easier than last time, I can aim a bit better now. My circuit Training: 1. First, I did of press-ups and I gave myself 5 minutes. 2. I did sit-ups and I gave myself another 5 minutes 3. I did step-ups, I did it for 5 minutes.

4. I did skipping for 5 minutes 5. I did squats thrusts and I gave myself 5 minutes  6. I did astride jump for another 5 minutes  7. I did Shuttle run for 5 minutes 8. I did leg raises for 5 minutes I think my PEP benefited me because I started to complete the activities easier. I think my speed and endurance increased after these six weeks, I can now do activities a lot easier without get tired so fast. During these six weeks I improved everything I expected to improve, I improved the speed, strength, flexibility and aerobic endurance.

I am 15 years old; I was born on the 14th November 1986. I am 5 ft 6 inches tall and I weigh 8 and a half stones. I am normal weight for a 15 year old and I am normal …

I always liked sports, sports for me is something that enjoyed playing. For this course work, I have chosen to complete a circuit-training programme. This is because I need to improve my chosen sport, which is Netball, I have chosen …

As Trekking is a prolonged distance sport, a highly trained aerobic energy system will be required. There are three main energy systems that the body can recall on to supply energy to the working muscles during exercise and everyday activities. …

The sport that I wish to train for during this time is the 100 metre sprint. I gave up this sport 3 years ago due to an injury and never got round to going back. I am currently 17 years …

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