Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian Cancer Ovarian Cancer is a group of diseases that have a common uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. A collection of cells is called a tumor, a begin tumor does not spread beyond the initial location of the cancer. When the cells spread in the body, this is known to be called a malignant tumor. When you are diagnosed with cancer this means that you are diagnosed with a malignant tumor and it has spread through some part of your body. We still do not know to this day what causes cancer, but we do know some of the risk factors for it.

Some risk factors include but are not limited to genetics, family history, environmental exposures, and some behavioral issues within yourself. These are not controlled risk factors. Ones that we can control are diet and exercise, your current or future environmental exposures, whether you smoke and drink. Having one or more risk factors, jumps your risk of getting cancer greatly. It does not mean you will get cancer, but if you avoid some of the risks, it will lower your chances greatly. The things you can do in your everyday life to reduce the risk of getting cancer are eating a healthy diet.

Getting exercise in your daily routine, will better your odds of not getting cancer, along with routine checkups to the doctors. Eating three or more servings of vegetables a day is one of the best things we can do for our health. It can lower our risk of several cancers, as well as heart attack and strokes. Trying to eat three servings of vegetables a day will not only lower the risk of ovarian cancer, but it will reduce the risk of reoccurring ovarian cancer and increase the chances of a good remission.

Eating three servings of fruits a day will also lower your risks of some cancers. The recommendations we all can do to help reduce the risk of any type of cancer is to try to live a healthy behavioral life. Quit smoking or drinking that can increase your chances on getting cancer, and the genetics is only 15% of the contribution of the heredity of cancer. Practicing every day, going to the doctor’s regularly every year, will reduce the risks of cancer. If you detect early, it good save your life.

When you practice a healthy living in your everyday life, the chances of you getting cancer because of the environment is less. Diet and exercise is very important, if you are not already doing so, talk with your doctor, and get on a plan. A plan for dieting, eating healthy with fruits and vegetables. A plan for exercising, walking, running, aerobics, whatever you have to do to maintain a healthy lifestyle and reduce your chances of all kinds of cancer.

Ovarian cancer is the number one silent killer among women, if we do not go to get our annual checkups, it will be too late. Early detection is better than no detection. In conclusion, everyone should know or find out about their genetics, heredity and go to the doctors, not because you are sick, but to make sure everything is okay. If it is not, then they can diagnose and treat the cancer early rather when it is too far gone. Eat a healthy meal and get plenty of exercise.

Ovarian cancer is a health risk that is very personable to me. This form of cancer has been in my family for at least the last five generations. I chose to learn more about this form of cancer, what it …

Ovarian cancer is a health risk that is very personable to me. This form of cancer has been in my family for at least the last five generations. I chose to learn more about this form of cancer, what it …

Good morning, I wanted to let you know that I am ordering this paper for a friend using my credit card because he does not have a credit card. I hope this won’t a problem. And his instructions are similar …

Ovarian cancer is the eighth common cancer in women. This type of cancer is formed in the tissues of the ovary (which are one of a pair of female reproductive glands in which the ova, or eggs, are formed). Most …

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