
In the public debate, the increasing rates of obesity have been assumed to be caused by the widespread availability of food . The We’re Fat and Getting Fatter! What Is the Food Industry’s Role? , by Tillotson examines the food industry’s responsibility in ‘the war’ against obesity and the appropriate strategy that can be used to prevent and manage obesity . Unfortunately, strategies that have been employed to date in an effort to prevent the development of obesity have been disappointing, and the problem of obesity is worsening.

Another article by Leeder entitle The obesity pandemic: a brilliant test of political capability describes that obesity has become significant public health concern with caused obesity such as the availability of convenient food, lack of self-control to accepts passive unhealthy foods and drink consumption in their life . While policy capability must coordinate to solve obesity with food industry and individuals . The main idea of Tillotson’s article outlines considerable the definition of obesity such as ‘a health emergency or a pandemic increase in obesity’.

The greatest risk exposure to obesity such as making food quickly, taste, the price that people are often rooted deeply in human psyches. Especially , obesity of childhood is the most serious public health problem in modern world . Moreover he also supports that prevents obesity is nutrition labelling content that are comprised of essentially healthy ingredients or offer improved health benefits. His article also recommends the food industry should changes in the marketing and advertising regulatory environment can be expected to affect obesity.

The author also describes the inter-related between private public and problem in policy Failure. Finally, he purposes in his article that one possible way is for the government to use business strategies to decrease food consumption . Furthermore, Leeder’s article use the words of Tim Lang from London’s City University food policy unit to outlines the factors of causes of obesity. This lead him to argued that if the government action is needed solution of obesity. His evidence review proposed a conceptual framework linking the policy health and other coping strategies to the food insecurity- obesity relationship .

This link has implications for food health policy changes, welfare and poverty prevention . The increasing accessibility of the fast food and high competition among the various fast food joints by advertising , and lifestyle also plays an important role in making people obese. Alternatively, Tillotson’s article focuses that food marketing companies make responsible decisions about diet. The author identifies a gap between individual choices about food and lifestyle that have been affected the increasing obesity.

For example : taste, quality, convenience, and price. Moreover, the advertising of nutritious food and the advertising of unhealthy food give to confuse with conflicting messages about fat, carbohydrate, protein, and calories. In addition, his article also recognizes that The food industry needs to become part of the solution. Therefore, future public policy strategy to use not only nutrition but also knowledge and enlightenment to convince social and behavioral psychology leading to convince the public’s strong.

Besides the caused information of obesity, Leeder’s article argues that the increasing accessibility of food industry by advertising , and lifestyle also plays an important role in making people obese. The medical community Industry involvement in the reduction of obesity. While governments can commit to delivering a ‚nutritious food and healthy lifestyle‚ message, the food industry has a heavy investment in promoting the opposite message. Furthermore, the article is not classified into separate sections that readers are difficult to focus on matters which were mentioned .

Economists and nutritionists argue that modern industrial food production techniques are so successful they’re making us overweight and dangerously unhealthy. The food industry recognizes the challenges a consumer faces when making food choices. In conclusion, the two articles clearly portray that relating to all factors of life and encourages progress in society through a technological means. The authors illustrate that theses are well supported and articles that support their purpose totally affirm that food industry power makes enormous contributions as well as has negative effects to the community.

The arguments are well demonstrated in particular by presentation and disclosure of these researchers. The papers convince people that obesity can be used as a problem tool to relieve human suffering in the twenty first century and detect adequate ways for lessening contrary influences in the world. To help fight the battle against obesity, the food industry must team up with the government, academia, and the medical community to help inform consumers, strengthen nutrition education, and develop healthier product choices.

The medical community must coordinate to solve obesity with food industry and individuals . Health care providers can encourage consumers to make individual lifestyle changes that will improve their health. The health care professional, in assuming such a role, can transform their interaction on this topic from clinical resolution to thoughtful prevention, thus helping consumers develop and reinforce strategies for eating and physical activity that reduce overall individual health care risk.

Fast food companies, shall I say, are the big boys of the food industry. Obesity is now become a prevalent of society. The fast food industry is currently being blamed responsible for the problem of obesity. Is this quick and …

In her article on obesity, Joanne Thomas commences by providing insight to her readers on issues influencing obesity in the community. From Thomas’ perspective, efforts by the government which are normally observed through development and implementation of policies are inadequate …

The controversial debate on whether obesity should be classified as a disease has been around for some time. Recently, the American Medical Association officially classified obesity as a disease. Disease is generally defined as an abnormal condition that results from …

The fast food industry is growing rapidly and this is all happening because they attract more people by advertising in the media. The fast food industry is not also helping peoples health and financially. Fast Food industry is one of …

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