Fast food & obesity

The fast food industry is growing rapidly and this is all happening because they attract more people by advertising in the media. The fast food industry is not also helping peoples health and financially. Fast Food industry is one of those companies that try to grab your attention in any way possible. Advertising is a main factor of the fast food industry. This is the reason that people go to MacDonald’s, KFC and etc. The human brain works in such a sophisticated way that when you see the advertisement of Macdonald’s example their chicken nuggets you might not realise what the effect that this advertisement has.

What happens is that later in the day you might start to feel hungry, your brain recalls that advertisement and tells you why don’t you go and get Macdonald’s. This starts to make you lazy and could lead to many health risks. Some examples of health problems that may occur from fast food is obesity, heart disease, high cholesterol, kidney failure and many more. All these diseases could kill you after a long time or even a short period of time. These health problems could all occur from the fatty food that is sold from fast food restaurants.

The chips from MacDonald’s is deep fried in oil, this would increase the chances of having high cholesterol. Having a high cholesterol leads to heart failure or even a heart attack. This is proven by the movie Upsize me, which is about a man who eats Macdonald’s for breakfast, lunch and dinner. At the end of that one month off eating MacDonald’s and nothing else he had many problems including high cholesterol, kidney failure and obesity. Having problems such as these may also affect a person’s life socially and financially. Fast food industries create many problems.

One of the problems that are faced by people that eat a lot of fast food is financial problems. A problem like this is serious because if one is short on money they suffer many other problems like paying bills or even supporting their own family. This affects them socially as well; as they won’t have any money to spend when they are out with friends also they could be overweight and could be teased about their weight. This could lead them to depression. One major problem with fast food restaurants is the quality of the food.

All of the fast food outlets like to achieve one thing and that thing is the quality of their food. This is the reason for their appearance. Even though they have to deep fry their food they would do anything to make their customers happy, even if it means to make them obese. Fast food industries are not a good thing to have in our society. Some people might think that it is a good thing to have in our society but they thinks that it is okay to eat it in moderation and not frequently like some that do.

Obesity is the condition in which excess fat has accumulated in the body; usually considered to be 20 percent above the recommended weight for height and age. Obesity can cause many diseases, for example gallbladder, cardiovascular disease, and sleep apnoea …

In the United States, you can find McDonald’s, KFC, Burger King and other fast food outlets in every city. Fast food restaurants are very popular in our country, and there are many people, who like eating there very frequently. From …

In Supersize Me, film school dropout Morgan Spurlock argues via a month-long self-experimentation with a McDonald’s diet, that the food choices at this international fast food chain are inherently unhealthy. This, he maintains, is the fundamental contributor to an obesity …

Fast food companies, shall I say, are the big boys of the food industry. Obesity is now become a prevalent of society. The fast food industry is currently being blamed responsible for the problem of obesity. Is this quick and …

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