No Federal Ban on Therapeutic Cloning

At present, there is no federal ban on therapeutic cloning.[1]  The House initially passed two bills prohibiting cloning but both were discontinued in the Senate.

In 2001, President Bush authorized the first federal funding on stem cell research but backtracked in 2006 due to political pressure as he made use of his veto power by rejecting attempt to lift federal funding restriction on therapeutic cloning or human embryo stem cell research.[2]  Some states such as California and New Jersey permit therapeutic cloning research while South Dakota currently has the most restrictive laws against therapeutic cloning research.

The Roman Catholic Church is one of the staunchest critics of cloning as it is fighting for the total ban of Embryonic Stem Cell Research or Therapeutic Cloning.  In a statement entitled “On Embryonic Stem-Cell Research: A Statement of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops”, the US Bishops said that the use of human embryos for research is gravely immoral and unnecessary to wit:

“It now seems undeniable that once we cross the fundamental moral line that prevents us from treating any fellow human being as a mere object of research, there is no stopping point. The only moral stance that affirms the human dignity of all of us is to reject the first step down this path.”[3]

Moreover, they say that giving scientists the free hand in conducting human embryonic stem cell research not only leads to the destruction of human embryos but may in the future may lead to the scientific community being less sensitive to the essence and value of human life.  The Catholic Church fears the possibility that the harvesting and gathering of human embryos for research and study may be a slippery slope as it may be the first step towards the objectification of human life.

Cloning is said to have started in 1952 when scientists successfully cloned a frog by removing the nucleus from a frog cell and replacing it with the nucleus of an embryonic frog cell.[1]  More than three decades after, or on …

While therapeutic cloning holds so much promise for all, its enormous potential for medical advancement has been slowed down because of people who think the therapeutic cloning might lead to human cloning.  The oppositions against cloning are mainly due to …

“All Human Cloning should be Banned” do you Agree? Sow that you have looked at it through more than one point of view. Human cloning has been a major issue over the past decade or so, at the beginning we …

Cloning is more offspring that produce identical cells. Cloning is some by using genetic material from a single cell and this does not involve sex. The first success in cloning an adult mammal was achieved by a scientist called Ian Wilmut. It …

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