Negative affects of exercise

To much exercise without giving the body enough rest can cause muscular skeletal damage. If you don’t give you body sufficient rest it will start to come under strain. Also minor injuries aren’t allowed to heal meaning they often result in long-term damage. Instead of building muscle, too much exercise actually destroys muscle mass, especially if the body isn’t getting enough nutrition, forcing it to break down muscle for energy. Ms Whiteoak also warned that excessive exercise can damage tendons, ligaments, bones, cartilage and joints.

When minor injuries aren’t allowed to heal they often result in long-term damage, and instead of building muscle too much exercise actually destroys muscle mass. ” Girls who exercise continuously may disrupt the balance of hormones in their bodies. This can change their menstrual cycles and increase the risk of premature bones and also working their bodies so hard leads to exhaustion and constant fatigue. Arthritis Competitive and highly elite athletes can increase their chances of the wear and tear to the Synovial fluid and membrane. Synovial fluid is the fluid in between joints and acts as a lubricant so they can move more freely.

If an athlete takes part in regular sport their bones will have to be used a lot more and this can damage with excessive use. Also damaging the Synovial membrane can result in Synovial fluid leaking meaning swelling will occur around the joint. OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) This is an anxiety mental disorder characterized by involuntary intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors. When a sufferer begins to acknowledge these intrusive thoughts instead of dismissing them, the sufferer then develops a great degree of anxiety based on the doubt that something has happened or will happen.

You can get this in sport by always exercising to get a perfect body while others will think you already have a perfect body you yourself will disagree and still continually push yourself and carry on exercising. Alcohol Negative affects Alcohol is a legal drug but only to people over the age of 18, but by the age of 16 80 percent have tried alcohol. Brain and body Alcohol affects the brain so that is compromises our judgment and lowers our emotions. Also it decreases our physical co-ordination and sense of balance. Excessive alcohol can lead to alcohol poisoning which can cause unconsciousness, coma and even death.

Malnutrition is often associated with chronic alcohol as is linked to intestinal irritation, which over time can lead to a dull appetite and food intake. This leads to a low energy intake meaning loss of weight as well. Strokes Also drinking a lot of alcohol can lead to strokes, a stroke occurs when the brain tissue dies as a result of a sudden and severe disruption of blood flow to the brain. Heavy alcohol consumption has been associated with in increased stroke increase. Behaviour A main thing that alcohol can result in is mood swings and aggressive behaviour the brain is affected by reducing anxiety.

As you may here many people change their whole personality when they are drunk you might get the quietest and shyest person ever but when they drink they become loud and aggressive also when drunk people think they are superman and can do anything and often attempt stupid things. Dehydration Dehydration can also be a negative affect as drinking alcohol may seem to quench your first for a bit but in the long run it actually makes you even more dehydrated. This works by the anti-diuretic hormone suppressing and therefore less fluid is absorbed and more excreted. The symptoms of dehydration are headaches and nausea.

The NHS recommends that: Men should not regularly drink more than three to four units of alcohol per day. Women should not regularly drink more than two to three units of alcohol per day. Benefits of alcohol Reduces heart disease Alcohol consumed in moderation is thought to help reduce the risk of heart disease. A research study published in 1992 suggested that the low death rates from CHD could be due to the relatively high consumption of wine in France. A similar pattern of diet and alcohol consumption has also been found in other south European countries where heart disease rates are also lower compared with other parts of the world.

Red wine, in particular, also contains flavonoids that act as antioxidants, which help to reduce the build up of atherosclerosis (when fat builds up on the inner walls of arteries). Red wine seems to help maintain the flexibility of the blood vessel walls. It’s still not entirely clear how alcohol reduces your risk of CHD, but it’s now known a large proportion of the risk reduction is due to moderate alcohol intake raising ‘good’ cholesterol concentrations in the blood, so reducing the risk of blood clots. Lower the risk of kidney stones

Studies have shown drinking minimal alcohol can reduce the chance of developing kidney stones. A bottle of beer is said to be capable of reducing risk of kidney stones by 40 percent. Lower risk of bacterial contamination Smoking Negative effects Smoking is one of the worst things you can do to your body, it actually kills around 14,000 people in the UK each year. These deaths occur through a range of diseases such as a variety of cancers, cardiovascular disease and an array of chronic lung diseases. Bones and joints

Smoking has many negative effects on bones and joints as it impairs formation of new bones. Women who smoke are at an exceptionally high risk of developing osteoporosis, and women smokers have a slightly increased chance of developing rheumatoid arthritis. Smokers are also more disposed to developing degenerative disorders and injuries in the spine. Appearance Because smoking restricts blood vessels, it can prevent oxygen and nutrients from getting to the skin which is why smokers often appear pale and unhealthy.

An Italian study also linked smoking to an increased risk of getting a type of skin rash called psoriasis. All those cigarettes leave smokers with a condition called halitosis, or persistent bad breath. The smell of stale smoke tends to linger not just on people’s clothing, but on their hair, furniture, and cars. And it’s often hard to get the smell of smoke out. Reduced athletic performance People who smoke usually can’t compete with non-smoking people because the physical effects of smoking like rapid heartbeat, decreased circulation, and shortness of breathe which all in turn impair sports performance.

Heart The effects of cigarette smoking can really affect the cardiovascular system, Smoking lowers HDL cholesterol. Smoking deteriorates the elastic properties of the aorta, the largest blood vessel in the body, which increases the risk for developing blood clots. Smoking increases the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, putting additional stress on the system that regulates the heart and blood vessels. In women, smoking increases risk for cardiovascular disease because it affects hormones that cause estrogen deficiency. Benefits of smoking

Lowers Parkinson Healthy gums Stops blood clotting Balanced diet Every body should try and have a balanced diet having one can maintain weight and make sure you don’t lose or gain any unnecessary weight, people with eating problems will often eat to much of one food or not enough of one food causing them to lose or gain weight and become unhealthy. Benefits of a healthy diet Reduce chances of colon cancer Diets high in fat and cholesterol (especially from animal sources) have been linked to an increased risk of colon cancer. More energy

Having a balanced diet can help you in so many ways having the right amount of carbohydrates will help keep up your energy; the right amount of fat will also help with your energy stores. Having good energy stores will mean your body wont tire as quickly and will be able to take part and last longer when taking part in exercise. More growth and repair Having the right amount of protein in the diet is key in a balanced diet because they are building blocks which make up the structures of the body. Also when we eat food our body keeps the protein and uses it to create new cells and repair old ones which we need to grow. .

Healthy digestive system and immune system The right amount of fibre will help you have a healthy digestive system, Fibre helps support a healthy diet by: Helping you feel fuller faster and longer, this can help prevent overeating, Keeping blood sugar levels even, by slowing down digestion and absorption so the glucose (sugar) enters the bloodstream slowly and steadily, Fibre also helps your digestive system to process food and absorb nutrients. Having the right amount of vitamins and minerals will help with keeping skin healthy and immune systems healthy as well as fibre and also water will help with skin and digestive system.

Unbalanced diet Weight increase Eating to much carbohydrates can be bad for us as it makes us put on weight, it makes us put on weight because it adds more calories to our diet resulting in a positive energy balance meaning we aren’t burning as much calories as we are eating. Also eating to much can upset the balance of your body’s blood sugar level, resulting in unordinary energy and mood levels that leave you feeling irritated and tired. Slow growth and muscle loss A lack of protein in our diets can result in slow growth, reduced muscle mass, lower immunity, and weaken the heart and respiratory system.

Protein gives us the energy to get up and go and keep going. So having a good amount will promote more growth and healing. If you don’t have enough protein in a diet and start to go to the gym and exercise to increase muscle size your muscle wont get bigger and may even get smaller this is because your body will start to use the protein as a source of energy and thus deplete your muscle size. Anorexia Having an unbalanced diet and not eating enough food can cause anorexia; it is caused by not eating enough food.

The characteristics of it are: Body weight is maintained at least 15 per cent below that expected for a person’s height. It is self-induced weight loss caused by avoiding fattening foods and may involve taking excessive exercise, using laxatives or diuretics or self-induced vomiting. There is a strong, almost overwhelming fear of putting on weight, with sufferers preoccupied with the shape or size of their bodies. Although we do not know the main cause of anorexia it has been stated that is likely that both inherent biological factors and factors in the patient’s social environment play a part.

You can treat anorexia by; restore the person to a healthy weight, restore healthy eating patterns Bulimia People with bulimia are extremely concerned with their weight, yet they can’t fight the compulsion to binge. You often eat a lot of fatty foods and once you know you have eaten that you go to the toilet and make yourself sick forcing all the food you have eaten back out meaning you are actually eating not a lot of food. The reasons why you binge eat and then purge may not be easy to explain. Part of the problem may be due to a fear of getting fat. It can lead to; Depression, Teeth problems, Bowel problems.

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