Unbalanced diet

Eating to much carbohydrates can be bad for us as it makes us put on weight, it makes us put on weight because it adds more calories to our diet resulting in a positive energy balance meaning we aren’t burning as much calories as we are eating. Also eating to much can upset the balance of your body’s blood sugar level, resulting in unordinary energy and mood levels that leave you feeling irritated and tired. Slow growth and muscle loss A lack of protein in our diets can result in slow growth, reduced muscle mass, lower immunity, and weaken the heart and respiratory system.

Protein gives us the energy to get up and go and keep going. So having a good amount will promote more growth and healing. If you don’t have enough protein in a diet and start to go to the gym and exercise to increase muscle size your muscle wont get bigger and may even get smaller this is because your body will start to use the protein as a source of energy and thus deplete your muscle size. Anorexia Having an unbalanced diet and not eating enough food can cause anorexia; it is caused by not eating enough food.

The characteristics of it are: Body weight is maintained at least 15 per cent below that expected for a person’s height. It is self-induced weight loss caused by avoiding fattening foods and may involve taking excessive exercise, using laxatives or diuretics or self-induced vomiting. There is a strong, almost overwhelming fear of putting on weight, with sufferers preoccupied with the shape or size of their bodies. Although we do not know the main cause of anorexia it has been stated that is likely that both inherent biological factors and factors in the patient’s social environment play a part.

You can treat anorexia by; restore the person to a healthy weight, restore healthy eating patterns Bulimia People with bulimia are extremely concerned with their weight, yet they can’t fight the compulsion to binge. You often eat a lot of fatty foods and once you know you have eaten that you go to the toilet and make yourself sick forcing all the food you have eaten back out meaning you are actually eating not a lot of food. The reasons why you binge eat and then purge may not be easy to explain. Part of the problem may be due to a fear of getting fat. It can lead to; Depression, Teeth problems, Bowel problems.

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In order to gain a healthy life, a well balanced diet with fresh nutritious foods, combined with a regular exercise is the best way to do this. We must balance the energy we take in with the energy we use …

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