My fitness at a fast rate 

The training I am doing is specifically working on my upper body and arms. This is good because I want to improve my strength in upper body, which will result in a more powerful (faster) server in Tennis. I will increase the amount of weights and the amount of reps every session. This will hopefully build my strength up over a period of time and I will progressively become stronger in my upper body. Increasing the amounts of weight will make my bodywork much harder and beyond its capabilities. This is called “overload” and should build my strength up as my body gets used to lifting heavier weights and overloading.

I will have to keep doing exercise regularly; I will do a session a week so that reversibility does not occur. This means that if I stop training every week, I will lose what I have gained in strength and my previous training sessions would have been wasted so I will make sure that I continue to train. To stop me from getting tedious of the training I will change the machines I use to hopefully stop me from getting bored of using the same machine. Also, there will be music playing in the gym, which should help too.


I will be doing a training session about once a week. I will keep the frequency up and hopefully reversibility won’t occur. I will be gradually progressing my upper body strength by doing frequent training sessions and overloading. I will make each training session harder every time. This will increase the intensity and my body should overload and get used to lifting heavier things, resulting in more strength in upper body.

I will spend the same amount of time at every session but I will be increasing the number of reps and the amount of weight each time so it shouldn’t really matter. I will be doing weight training because it will specifically work on my upper body. I won’t use machines that will work on the legs, just the arms and rest of upper body. My maximum heart rate is about 205bpm. If I work on the weights at about 160bpm, I should be gradually increasing my fitness level.

Safety and Effectiveness During my training sessions I will be aware of safety factors such as using the weights correctly and making sure that they are in good working order before I use them. This should prevent me from using broken machines and will lower the risk of me being injured. Also, using the weights correctly and effectively should be better for training as I will be using the machines properly so I will get the most out of what I am doing.

Consideration of others When I am training there will also be other people using the weights at the same time as I am. I will have to consider the other people using the gym. I will make sure that I have enough space to use a machine so that myself and other people won’t get injured. I will also wait for people if they are on a machine so that we will not overcrowd the place because that could be a danger issue. Attitude Throughout the training I will need to keep focused on what I am doing and not get distracted by others. I will have to have a positive attitude so that I am kept motivated. Also, to keep motivated during training I will be doing the training with a friend and there will be music playing which should help me from getting bored. By keep motivated etc, I will hopefully be improving my fitness faster than if I was bored and not motivated.

Time I will be performing the sessions over a period of time. I will have to do approximately 6 sessions and will have to keep myself from getting bored. To pass the time while I am training I will be listening to music and I will be doing the training with a friend. This should keep me motivated; therefore I should be doing my best and hopefully increasing my fitness at a fast rate. Warm up and cool down. Before each training session I will do a warm up.

This should prevent me from getting any muscle strains within the session and should prevent injury. It will also get me mentally ready for the session as I will get me motivated. I will also do a pulse raiser to get ready. I will jog on the spot for about 30seconds as a pulse raiser. After the session is over I will be doing a cool down. This again should prevent any injury that might occur after the session and prevent cramp etc. To check if my training is all going to plan I will be recording my results. I have stuck to doing 1 session a week all of the same time and the same type of training. However, I have increased the intensity of training gradually. I use the same weight machines but I increase the amount of weight on each so that my body will get used to it (overload).

Overall I enjoyed completing the training sessions and I am very pleased with the way that my fitness has improved during the course of the PEP. I feel that the weight training has increased my muscular strength and my overall …

These were the results of the handgrip test. You can see that the strength in my arm has actually increased. I did the handgrip test and the average after the training sessions is higher than the average before. Training sessions I started …

In the first week I will just be testing my players ability and see where his fitness levels are at, I will tell him to begin each session with a good warm up consisting of jogging/running activities, stretching and some …

During the training I will only need several weight machine and a handgrip test to test how much I have improved. What are my targets? My aim of the training programme is to be able to server a faster serve in Tennis. …

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