Muscular Endurance

Strength undeniably underlies Tae Kwon Do and all other motor performances. In an isolated sense, strength may be thought of as the capacity of a muscle or group of muscles to exert maximum pressure, or force, against a given resistance in a limited period of time. This muscular force, however, can be exerted under various conditions. A muscular force exerted against an immovable object, with no or very little change in the length of the exercised muscle, is called static or isometric.

A muscular force exerted against a movable object, with a change in the length of the exercised muscle, is called dynamic or isotonic. Attempting to push down a wall is an example of static force and lifting a barbell is a dynamic force. The nature of the intensity also can be changed so the athlete has less resistance, over a longer period of time. This mode of resistance training is referred to as muscular endurance. Muscular endurance can be defined as the ability of a muscle to continue to contract over a period of time that requires many repetitions with a somewhat lighter resistance.

I will to work on the area of using dynamic forces in weight training sessions. This will help to deal with the problem of getting fatigued at the end of sparring sessions. As I am purposely not requiring not to gain a lot of extra muscle weight through my training sessions due to the definite weight boundaries enforced in competitions I will be looking to use medium weights (50-60 IMR) but to perform a high number of repetitions.

Agility I will persistently be trying to work on my agility through out my programme in order to carry out the fighting manoeuvres, change stance, shift weight and change direction to the highest motor ability I can accomplish. When sparring or fighting competitively in Tae Kwon Do you must be able to move your body continually at fast speeds whilst being fully under control. Obviously improving my general fitness with this programme should improve my ability to carry out agile manoeuvres at a higher standard but I will not be able to work on my agility directly in my fitness programme as agility is an innate and inherited characteristic.

Power Power in a requirement for the legs and arms when fighting in Tea Kwon Do in order to apply a sufficient initial strike that can be easily followed up with further counters. It is also needed to ensure a safe defence and dominant positioning over the opponent. Power is the work done per unit of time which in the equation of human movement is the product of strength and speed. The same work can be done in a shorter periods of time if the strength is increased.

Throughout my session I will be trying to work on my skill training, strength development, flexibility work, speed and quickness training and development of a tournament strategy. The typical stages of martial arts training progresses from physical, technical and tactical to psychological preparedness in which I shall be aiming to improve on. My physical ability, including strength, stamina and flexibility, will be developing as technical and tactical skills.

My present strength is of a reasonably good level although this is the main target area. The strength training in my programme will focus on high-repetition sets performed at slow tempos, separated by short rest periods. Stretching is emphasized and may require 40 minutes or more per day to achieve meaningful results. This method of training will also ensure that no great weight gain in muscle mass will be apparent in order to continue in my current weight division. Developing flexibility gains a vast advantages in terms of explosiveness and muscular resistance. Improving on muscular endurance and stamina will help me threat with getting fatigued or tired at the end of sparring sessions. And increasing power will help with countering ability.

Section 2 Correct technique of exercises, Exercises to be included and muscles involved & Equipment and facility considerations Circuit Training  Circuit training is an excellent way to simultaneously improve mobility and build the necessary strength and stamina For Tae Kwon Do. The circuit training format makes use of a group of 6 to 10 strength exercises that are completed one exercise after another. Each exercise is performed for a specified number of repetitions or for a set time period before moving on to the next exercise. The exercises within each circuit are separated by brief, timed rest intervals, and each circuit is separated by a longer rest period.

The total number of circuits performed during a training session may vary from two to six depending on my current fitness level. I have identified circuits of 6 to 10 exercises. In each circuit I have tried to ensure that no two consecutive exercises exercise the same muscle group. For each circuit I have a set lino cards (6 inches by 6 inches) with an exercise written on each which I lay by the equipment to indicate the required exercise at each stage of the circuit.

It is important to for me to warm up with easy jogging and stretching exercises and to repeat this as a warm down after the session. These circuit training sessions will act as half of my programme and will therefore commence once a week. Circuit training contributes to many aspects of fitness that cannot be obtained from a workout merely from various weights in a gym. I have designed my circuit training session specifically with the fitness aspects needed for competitive fighting. These aspects will not only improve my fitness in the sport but also my level of skill in performing techniques e.g. straddle jumps will improve my jumping techniques.

These are the techniques I shall be performing in my circuit training rou ine. The exercises will be carried out in this order and then repeated. Shuttle Sprint – I will perform this exercise on a safe surface, such as a indoor studio or running track. Placing some markers out to the front of me in a straight line. I will aim to sprint to the first marker, then back to the start, before returning to the next marker as fast as possible. Taking care when turning around the markers, and making sure I warm up prior to doing this exercise.

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