Local muscular endurance 

At the start of the program we chose an event or sport for which we would train. We then evaluated which elements of fitness were required for this particular sport and developed a certain set of tests, which could evaluate our performance in this event. We then developed a training program, which could help us develop in this event. The aim of this was to see if we could develop an efficient training program specific to our event, which could help us to improve.

Hypothesis My hypothesis is that I will improve my 400m by at least 5 seconds by the end of my training program. Method We started off by finding which elements of fitness were required for our event, I chose the 400m and I then went through all of the elements of fitness evaluating their importance in the 400m: Strength In the 400m sprint, strength is quite important, but strength is mainly force exerted against resistance, and there is not much resistance to the movement of muscles during the 400m.

Power Power is vital during the 400m as it is the ability to exert maximum muscular contraction instantly in an explosive burst of movements, and during the sprint start and sprint finish, and the other parts of the race, quick bursts of movement will be extremely useful. Agility Agility is not very important in the 400m as you only have to run in a straight line, where as in gymnastics agility would be vital to your achievements. However a slight hint of agility is necessary to be able to develop the optimum running style round bends etc.

Balance Balance is again not very important in the 400m, obviously you will have to be able to stand up, but you will not need to be able to do handstands or front flips, so just as long as you can run without falling over you will not need to work on balance Flexibility This is the ability to achieve an extended range of motion without being impeded by excess tissue, i.e. fat or muscle, this can be very useful in 400m as you will have to be able to run in the most efficient manner without restriction to reach your maximum speed.

Local muscular endurance This is a single muscle’s ability to perform sustained work. When you are running the 400m, your upper body and your legs will be doing the work, in a way this is local muscular endurance but in two different places at once, so you will have to work on upper body strength and leg strength. Cardiovascular Endurance This is the heart’s ability to deliver blood to working muscles and their ability to use it, this is quite useful in the 400m however, it would be much more useful to a long distance runner.

Strength endurance This is a muscle’s ability to perform a maximum contraction time after time, this is very useful in the 400m, as most athletes will put in too much effort in the opening 200m and then will not be able to perform in the finishing straight. However with strength endurance you will be able to run the whole 400m to your best. I now had to determine what sort of things I would do to help develop my 400m performance. I knew I would mainly have to work on power, strength endurance and cardiovascular endurance. Keeping this in mind I designed the following as my training program. We had to do a minimum of six sessions, not all of my sessions are the same and I worked on different elements at different times.

Some sessions were performed in the gym working on upper body and my legs. I did these using heavy weights to work on power and strength endurance, the sprinters drive and other lifts that could improve my 400m performance. Here is my table of exercises and repetitions for the rest of the year.
Using all of this information I was able to develop certain tests that could help me to determine whether or not I improved. I took these tests at the start and at the end of my training program, here they are: I did these tests at the start and end of my training program

Harvard step test: this test is complies of stepping onto a bench once every two seconds for 5 minutes, 150 steps. Then taking your pulse directly after completion, then two minutes after completion and then 3 minutes after completion. You then insert all of your data into the following table and check the results. This is a great test of cardiovascular endurance  Bleep test: this entails running back and forth across a 20m length before an audio tape beeps, the beeps get increasingly faster as the test proceeds. If you miss a beep you are aloud three more beeps to try and make up the pace before your run is ended. However this test is a maximal test, which requires a reasonable level of fitness. It is not advisable for some one who is quite unfit to partake in this test.

Standing long jump: This entails Placing feet over the edge of a line. Crouch, lean forward, swing your arms backwards, and then jump as far as possible with both feet. Measure from the edge of the line to the nearest point of contact. You cannot take a run up for this test.Three jump: Here you must start with the feet comfortably apart with the toes just behind the take off mark. You must then take three continuous two footed jumps. Measure the distance covered. You cannot take a run up and your feet must stay together at all stages of the jumps. 25m sprint: Firstly you must measure out 25m from one line to another. You move up to one line. You must then run as fast as you can from one line to the other. I needed another person to help keep the time as it was quite tricky trying to time myself.

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The component muscular endurance is a strength in my performance because, it is proven that in fitness testing my level is excellent. Muscular endurance is important because it involves stamina, where the heart and lungs supply the working muscles for …

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