Muscular endurance

For my athlete in my 6 week training programme I have chosen John Smith. For his sport, (football) I am going to try and improve his muscular endurance. This will help improve his game by his muscles being stronger and being able to cope with a more work and for a longer period of time.

Tests that you could use to determine if John improves his muscular endurance could include,  Curl-Up test – for abdominal muscle endurance .Chin Up Test – for arm and shoulder muscular endurance . Press Up test – for upper body muscle endurance.

The most suitable test for his sport I feel is the press up test, this will improve his upper body strength and help him be a much stronger player. John is 21 years old and his average Press up test figures are 34. From the table this puts him in the (Fair) category but on the border line of (Average).

I will look from him to get up to an overall score of 54 as a minimum target. This would put him up 3 categories. The goals for John’s improvement are broken down into 3 sections, Short term, medium term and long term goals. Short Term Goals: Within 2 weeks to reach Johns target I am predicting him. to get a score of 38. Medium Term Goals: Within 2 months to reach a score of 42.

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