Muscular endurance

My task is to plan and perform a personal exercise programme for a certain time for which I have chosen to be is three times a week for six weeks. My circuit will helping to improve a beginners fitness in football, the position that I am playing is a defender this P.E.P is for this postion. I hope it will improve overall performance in football. Raise standard from a n average player to a good player. To develop new skills and techniques.

The circuit I have designed to complete has many advantages. It only requires little space as there is not any equipment being used except for a pull up bar. Which is approximately my height of space. My circuit will begin with a warm up and the circuit will follow with a warm down. This is very important in my circuit and any other activity or sport. This reason being it prepares us physically and mentally. The circuit I have designed concentrates on certain parts and muscles of the body in which a defender in football depends on.

These are as follows:

I will concentrate on 3 different health related fitness’s out of 5. The first one is Cardiovascular fitness this is the bodies ability to continue exercising the whole body for long periods of time. To do this you need a strong heart, healthy lungs, and clear blood vessels to supply the body with oxygen. I have thought of a test for your cardiovascular fitness. This test is designed to measure your cardiovascular endurance. Using about a 12 inch step. Step on and off for 3 minutes. Step up with one foot and then the other. Step down with one foot followed by the other foot. Try to maintain a steady rate.

I found it easier to maintain I said “up, up, down, down”. Go at a steady and consistent pace. At the end of 3 minutes, remain standing while you immediately check your heart rate. Strength is the amount of force you can output with your muscles. A way you can measure this is by seeing the maximum weight you can lift. Muscular endurance is the ability to use the muscles for long periods of times without getting tired. If you have good muscular endurance you will be a lot better you will be able to do longer runs than people who have a poor muscular endurance. You might naturally have better muscular endurance because they have a high percentage of slow twitch muscle fibers which have a better endurance than then fast twitch muscle fiber. You can test your muscular endurance by seeing how far you can run in 15 minutes the further you can run the better you muscular endurance.

Flexibility is the ability to use your joints fully. You are flexible when you have good flexibility have fewer sore and injured muscles. For example, people with poor flexibility in the muscles of the back of the leg are more likely to injure a leg muscle. You can test flexibility by doing a sit and reach test. You do by getting a bench and sitting down, placing you feet on the bench and fully extending your legs. Then reaching to the ruler which overhangs the bench by 15cm this is because you would not get a reading if you could not go past your toes. The further you can reach the more flexible you are.

Body Fatness is the percentage of body weight that is fat compared to other body tissue, such as bone and muscle. People who have a high percentage of fat are more likely to be ill and have a higher death rate than lean people. You can test how much of your body is fat by using a instrument called a caliper. To be good at sports you will need to be good in all of these health-related parts of fitness.

Why it is important to have a warm up and warm down: Warm up A warm up is a period of gentle exercises preparing the body for a physical activity to follow. A warm up is important because it prepares your cardio vascular system for exercise, increases heart rate/ body temperature and it warms up your muscles. A warm up also loosens joints, prevents injuries [E.g. prevent you pulling a muscle because If u don’t warm up your muscles and you start a phsical activity you can pull a muscle very easly . A warm is done in 3 steps, these steps are a follow:

1. Pulse raiser- it prepares your cardio vascular system for exercise, increases heart rate/ body temperature and it warms up your muscles. 2. Stretching, which loosens joints, prevents injuries [pulling a muscle] 3. Skills, which gets you physiologically prepared Warm down A warm down is a period of light exercise at the end of a training session to insure a successful recovery will take place. A warm down is important because it allows the body to recover and it prevents your muscles from aching that hard. It also shortens recovery time and. It also removes carbon dioxide and lactic acid from your muscles.

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