Muscle or muscle grou

Co-ordination- this is the ability to perform complex movements easily. This is useful in football, as they have to control they ball between both their feet and be able to manoeuvre the ball past an opponent. For example, a midfielder would dribble the ball in co-ordination between his two feet in order to confuse and outplay an opposing player. Muscular Endurance- this is the ability of muscle or muscle group to work very hard for a limited period of time (anaerobic endurance). This is useful in football, as a footballer has to use his/her muscles at a very high endurance throughout the game.

For example a player uses their leg muscles repeated throughout the ninety- minute match to sprint, run, jog and walk. This obviously requires their leg muscles to have an extremely high muscular endurance. Reaction time- this is the ability to react to a stimulus quickly. This is useful in football, as the players have to react quickly to the sudden change in movement of the ball and the change in direction of the play. For example a striker has to react quickly to a fast, low cross in order to beat the defender.

Balance- this is the ability to retain equilibrium whether stationary or moving. This is useful in football, as the players have to work hard to maintain their ground whilst under pressure from the opposing team and not losing their balance when manoeuvring. For example a midfielder has to be able to hold their body in equilibrium whilst dribbling the ball under pressure from an opponent. Flexibility- this is the range of limb movement about a joint. It can also be referred to as mobility or suppleness.

This is useful in football, as they have to be able to move their limbs at a high range in order to avoid injury, as they stretch their limbs in various ways due to the ever-changing game play. For example a striker needs a high range of movement at their hip joint, as they have to stretch when sliding, in order to reach the ball. Speed – I am aiming to improve this because I want to be able to run faster so that I can outpace opponents. It will be very useful in football to create counter- attacks, to help with defending and to attack at a much faster pace.

Muscular power- I am aiming to improve this because I hope to be able to jump a lot higher and kick the ball harder and more accurately. Improving this will enable me to jump higher to header the ball when it is crossed to me and enable me to kick the ball further, which could create a useful attack within the game, Muscular Strength- I will improve this fitness component because I want to be able to maintain a reasonable strength that will prevent me from getting ‘knocked off the ball’. Improving this will enable me to shrug off opponents when under pressure and also to pressurise opponents when they have possession.

Muscular Endurance- I am aiming to improve this because I want my muscles to be able to last for longer during a football match before becoming fatigued. Improving this will enable my leg muscles to remain strong for a longer period of time in a game before getting too tired. Agility- I will improve this as football is a very fast and unpredictable game, which means agility, is essential. Improving this fitness component would enable me to change the direction I am moving at a quicker rate, enabling me to have a much higher chance of retaining possession.

My name is Ameet Singh Johal and I am aged 16- years- old but am due to be 17 in a month or two. I roughly measure at 5’10 in height and weigh just under 11 stone. The sport I …

By having my hands facing upwards when playing a cut shot it demotivates me when I get out playing that shot because I know that I can play it properly. I play the ball underneath my eyes and I get …

This is the ability to carry out daily tasks with ease. In football strength would be needed to apply force and the ability to overcome resistance of opposing players. For example, using your weight to push someone away from the …

Speed is the ability to perform a movement quickly. Speed is an extremely important part in football because during a typical match, a football will spend 2 of the 90 minutes at least sprinting. Although this doesn’t sound a lot, …

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