Fitness reuirements

Speed is the ability to perform a movement quickly. Speed is an extremely important part in football because during a typical match, a football will spend 2 of the 90 minutes at least sprinting. Although this doesn’t sound a lot, it could convert to over one hundred 5m sprints, which is probably a lot more than expected. Muscular Endurance A single muscle’s or a group of muscles ability to perform sustained work over a period of time.

This is important in football as muscular endurance allows the muscles to keep working for the full 90 minutes at maximum efficiency so that a footballer can give 100% effort to the game making them as useful as possible for the task they have in hand. Strength Strength is the ability of a muscle to exert force for a short period of time. Strength training for football has to be more comprehensive than virtually any other sport.

Not only does football require different types of strength it also varies from position to position. However in a footballer strength in the upper body is essential as going to shoulder to shoulder with an opponents 9 times out of 10 the player with the most upper body stregth will win the ball which could be vital in match situations. Also leg strength is important as they are at work for the full 90 minutes and are put under enormous tests all through the match so leg strength is a key part.

Power This is the ability to exert maximum muscular contraction instantly in an explosive burst of movements. Power is important in football as it helps aid speed and kicking power within a game. Without power a footballer may not be able to kick the ball as powerful as they desire and also without the explosive power that comes with it they may not be as able to sprint as quickly as other players. Skill-related fitness requirements Agility Agility is your ability to change direction at speed.

Your agility is dependent on a combination of factors such as speed, strength, balance and co-ordination. With agility footballers can avoid tackles by quickly changing direction, dummy runners by bringing people away from the action or even jst confusing other people on the field by turning an receiving the ball in areas where the opposition may not expect. Cricket Physical fitness requirements Strength Strength can be defined as the maximal force that can be generated by a muscle or muscle group at a specified velocity.

This essentially means that being strong enables the muscles to produce a greater force. Of fundamental value, strength is an integral component of speed (running fast between the wickets) as well as power (fast bowling) development. Strength training is vital to the game. It means that bowling is faster and harder, throwing the ball goes further, and running faster between the wickets and so on. So it is obvious that the objective of the strength training program is to develop strength specifically for cricket.

Co-ordination- this is the ability to perform complex movements easily. This is useful in football, as they have to control they ball between both their feet and be able to manoeuvre the ball past an opponent. For example, a midfielder …

To work on you fitness, you first need to know and understand the aspects of it so it’s clear what you need to do to improve it. Being fit is central to our health and to our sense of well-being. Health …

For general fitness, an individual needs to be in good health and be able to carry out every day tasks comfortably. She or he should also take part in a number of physical activities at a low level of performance …

Fitness and training are the foundation for most sports in this modern age, the key fitness and training components are aerobic endurance, muscular endurance, flexibility, speed, strength, power, body composition, agility, balance, co-ordination, and reaction time. I will now explain …

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