Monitor the development of an athlete

My name is Ameet Singh Johal and I am aged 16- years- old but am due to be 17 in a month or two. I roughly measure at 5’10 in height and weigh just under 11 stone. The sport I will be focusing on in my training programme is football. I have chosen this as I extremely enjoy this sport and would immensely like to improve at it. I play as a midfielder when playing a match, as I like to run with the ball using my speed and creating goal-scoring opportunities for teammates that are more likely to score than me.

I also like to help out with defending, in order to feel thoroughly involved during the game. Some components of fitness that I need in order to be successful as a midfield player are agility, speed and power. Also a wide range of general and specific fitness is needed. The different fitness components needed, depend on the position played, e. g. a goalkeeper needs very good reaction time whereas it is not as vital as to a midfielder.

I play football every weekend with my friends at a fairly high intensity. This is one way I keep active but I also keep active by riding my bicycle, walking to and from school, playing basketball at home and by walking and playing with my pet rottweiler in the park. My diet is considerable but it is affected by sudden urges for junk food. I will aim to improve my diet, as I believe this is very important in order to maintain a high level of fitness.

Also improving my diet, will help me to produce the correct energy needed in order to train and improve rather than burning fat which, even though it is energy, it is not as useful as energy from carbohydrates and proteins. I am aware that in this training programme, results are going to be affected by age, gender and fitness levels, e. g. a 20-year-old has a higher level of muscular build than a 50-year-old as a person in their 20’s can build muscles much easier. All of this will be taken into consideration whilst carrying out this training programme.

The fitness components I would like to improve are speed, in order to outpace defenders and create effective counter- attacks; power, to enable me to kick further and jump higher; muscular strength, in order to shrug of opponents and apply pressure to opponents with my body strength; muscular endurance, to enable my muscles to last a longer period of time before fatigue; and agility, so I will be able to change direction quickly in order to react to the change of play instantly.


Physical Fitness refers largely to the physical capacity of an athlete to meet the demands of a sport without being reduced to and excessively fatigued state. The fitness components for physical fitness are strength, endurance, body composition, flexibility and speed. MOTOR (SKILL) RELATED FITNESS Motor fitness is the ability to perform successfully at a particular game or activity. The fitness components of motor fitness are agility, balance, reaction time, co-ordination, power and speed.

Although all of the components fall under one of the two types of fitness, speed falls under both as it can be seen as both physical and skill related fitness. FITNESS COMPONENTS Agility- this is the ability to change direction of body at speed. This would be useful in football, as you have to turn your body around quickly when the ball has changed its direction. For example if a player tackles an opponent, they would turn as quick as possible in order to make quick breaks (counter- attacks). Speed- this is the ability to move all or part of body as quick as possible.

This is useful in football to gain momentum in a teams game play and to take advantage of a mistake by the opposing team before they have a chance to recover it. For example if a player were to intercept a pass deep within the oppositions half, they would attack as quickly as possible to make full use of the opportunity. Muscular Power- this is the ability to contract muscles with speed and force in one explosive act. This is useful in football to enable players to kick the ball further or jump higher during a match.

For example a player needs to cross a ball with a reasonable amount of power as it may be affected by wind-force and distance, in order for it to be effective Strength- this is the ability of muscle or group of muscles to overcome a force or resistance. This is useful in football, as players have to overcome the resistance of an opponent when trying the gain possession or when trying to get past the opponent. For example a player needs to be able to shrug off opponents, and be able to manage the pressure of an opponent when they are attempting to gain possession.

My weakest sport is Football. My weakest areas are strength, fitness and speed. The skill related fitness required in Football is Agility, Power, Co-ordination, Balance, Speed, Cardiovascular fitness and Muscular endurance. Agility is needed to dribble past an opponent; Power …

Speed is the ability to perform a movement quickly. Speed is an extremely important part in football because during a typical match, a football will spend 2 of the 90 minutes at least sprinting. Although this doesn’t sound a lot, …

Co-ordination- this is the ability to perform complex movements easily. This is useful in football, as they have to control they ball between both their feet and be able to manoeuvre the ball past an opponent. For example, a midfielder …

I have been asked to plan a training programme for a particular sport over a period of six weeks. I decided to design the training programme for football. The training programme would improve my cardiovascular fitness, muscular endurance and a …

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