Managing and Promoting Heath and Safety

In this assignment I am going to be looking at two different sports and leisure facilities. First I will look at Bognor golf club then I will look at champneys spar and rehabilitation spar. I will look at how the two facilities manage and promote health, safety and security. From this assignment I am going to gain an understanding of how different organisations manage health, safety and security, how they implement training in health and safety and to understand the use of documentation to ensure health and safety.

Health, safety and security are very important within any organisation, there are two different types of organisations firstly there is sports and leisure facilities such as leisure centres, rugby clubs, golf clubs etc and then there is out door adventure centres. The health and safety at work Act sets out the general duties of which an employee and members of the public have to themselves and others that they come into contact with during their time at work.

Now I am going to look at the first of my two organisations which is Bognor Golf Club and is from the commercial sector as it is a privet club and only open to members not the general public. It is a very old golf club located in Felpham in West Sussex, the facilities that are on offer are and 18hole golf course, 9 hole putting green, proshop with inside coaching facility, practice ground, 2 nets and a chipping area. Within the inside of the clubhouse you will find a bar area, kitchen, dining room, and snooker room with two snooker tables along with two large changing rooms. With all these facilities the club needs to make sure that it follows all the health, safety and security procedures to ensure that everyone is safe whilst using the facilities.

There are three different parts of health, safety and security that I am going to look at and an organisation needs to look at and use to make their facilities safe not only for the customers but also for the employees, they are management, training and documentation. Firstly I will look at the management of the two organisations. A manager has many responsibilities that they must carry out during the working day and over a period of time, they will have normal operating procedures that they will do during the day or shift, emergency action plans, emergency operating procedures and accident procedures they must do, know and follow if necessary, they also have to make sure that equipment has been tested and is safe for their customers and staff to use.

At a golf club it is the club secretary that is the manager of the facilities. At Bognor Golf Club the secretary carries out many daily duties such as checking the facilities when they arrive in the morning to ensure that very thing was how they left it the previous day. It is very important that the facilities are checked every day before opening as the customers and staff all need to be in a good, organised, prepared and safe environment, but at a golf club this doesn’t always work out as many members often play and enter the changing room prior to it actually opening early in the morning. to ensure that the facilities are check and ok for members early they could also do a thurer clean, tidy and check before leaving the evening before. Another job that the secretary has is being in charge of turning off the alarms and unlocking all the entrances for the customers. As within the facilities there is a bar and restaurant it stays it stays open later than the club securities hours therefore it isn’t his job to turn alarms on and ensure that all doors and windows are locked, but it is the responsibility of the bar manager. Once the club closes the bar manager will check the entire facilities, lock all doors and windows, set all alarms and check that the CCTV cameras are on before he leaves.

The manager is a very important person they need to ensure that they keep not only their customers but also their staff in a safe environment, therefore it is their job to check that they have emergency action planes and procedures are in place. It is very important and beneficial for all the staff to be aware of all procedure that an organisation puts in place as they are for the welfare and safety of not only the customer but themselves and colleagues to. At Bognor golf club all staff are made aware of all emergency procedure when they first start to ensure that they all know what to do. I think that it would also be a good idea for the club to provide a booklet with all the procedures in so that they can simply look at them if they need to be reminded on them as it’s important that they know them well to ensure the customers safety whilst they are in the facilities.

Club members are also told what to do on in emergency’s such as fires, this is done prior to them joining during an interview, they will also be given a tour of the facilities so that they can see al the fire exits, alarms and where to assemble if there is a fire. It is very important that this is done before they join as it really dose ensure that they are aware and know exactly what do. This is also beneficial for the golf club as it ensure the clubs covered as they have made staff and club members aware of the procedures therefore the club can’t be sued if an accident did happen.

Another job that the manager has is to make sure that regular inspections take place, the club will be reminded that they are due to have fire inspections, and health and safety inspections every six months and the secretary at the club will arrange for a suitable date for this to be done. Once the inspection has been done the club will be given certificate that must be placed on show in the facilities that says they have passed the inspection. Theses regular inspections are crucial for an organisation because the members and staff need to know that they are in a safe environment and not one that is a health and safety hazard and by having the certificate on show for people to see it also allows them to no that the facilities have been checked and approved.

For any organisation it is very important that the staff are all fully trained so that they can do their job safely and a high standard. At Bognor golf club the secretary is fully qualified and trained in first aid, there are also 4 more members of staff that work within the club house that are first aid trained. This is very beneficial for the club and the staff as can help if it is needed it is also very beneficial for the members and quests as of the club as they are always in a safe environment and can be helped if needed in the time it take to call an ambulance. The club ensure that there is always a member of staff on duty that is first aid trained if it is ever needed but I think that they could improve this and make the staff and members safer by training all the members of staff even if it is a simple first aid course.

The most important staff at a golf club that need to be trained are the green keepers, all the green keepers are fully trained and have all attended college to complete a two year course so that they can use all the necessary equipment safely. It is also important that they have regular training to update their skills as new equipment is often needed and it’s important that they can use it safely not only for their safety but others on the course. When the club decide to use new equipment the head green keeper will be sent on a day course if the training is necessary to ensure safety, here they will be able to learn how to do use it properly and safely. The head green keeper will then pass this on to the rest of the staff at the club so everyone is safe. It is also important that green keepers have training so that they know everything that they can about the chemicals that they use on the course, as many of the chemical may be harmful or irritants. The club will have risk assessment for all the chemicals that are used but training is also helpful as it gives them more knowledge and guidance on how to use them safely.

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