Logbook on Swimming

Freestyle: The fastest and most well known stroke from many people. This is one of the strokes that require a lot of endurance and it. Backstroke: This stork is one of the most difficult stroke because you cannot see where you are going and it requires you to swim with all of your body close to the surface of the water (like lying your back on a bed and your head on a pillow). Technique

Front Crawl: To do this, you have to swim with your body close to the surface and the best way to do this is to put your face in the water unless you need to breathe in air. Then you use your arm is used to help to increase speed on your stroke and to do this, your elbow should be bending and pushing the hand towards the feet and then start lifting the arms out of the water and start rotating it again. Also the leg plays one of the important parts of the stroke because you use the leg to power your way forward.

Backstroke: To do this you got to keep yourself travelling in a straight line, and by using your feet, it allows you to power your way forward but making sure you do not produce too much slash. Then your arms is also used to power your way forward, and they should be rotating around the circle clockwise (in and out of the water) and also making sure your head is close to the surface of the water so you can breathe in air easily. Merit

The reason I need to use this two stroke is because if I don’t use it, I cannot travel one side of the swimming pool to the other. Freestyle and Backstroke is my favourite strokes, and I use it because I’m more familiar with it and I know how it works e. g. the skill and technique. Another reason why the two stroke is used in this session is because I want improve the two different strokes and also I need to get back on how to perform the skill consider I haven’t done swimming a while. Distinction Pass

Instead of using the same previous skill last swimming session, I also used a the tumble turn so I can combine my front crawl and then use the tumble turn to make me carry on swimming from one side to the other without stopping. Tumble turn is a turn that involve me not to touch the wall and do a somersault in the pool so that my body positioning is turned around and use both feet to push myself as far as I can to restart my strokes again.

The technique to do this is I need to swim towards the wall and do a forward somersault just before the wall, then place both of my feet on the wall and stretch my arms out, so I can push my feet very hard on the wall and twist my body around and then start pushing away from the side underwater and streamlining and other way to understand this is to swim flat and thin with one hand on top of the other and then add a leg kick and start to pull as you reach the surface. Merit The reason I used this skill is because I need it to help me to keep my rhythm going without stopping e.g. when doing the front crawl, I don’t want to stop when I got from the other side and then start swimming back.

The other reason is because I want to see how fast I can swim from one side to the other. Distinction Pass Today session, I was planning to improve my skills / technique from my previous session and also add in a new tumble turn for my backstroke and a new stroke. I started off with a simple exercise swimming general from side of the pool to the other and then do some stretches from my calf to my neck.

Instead of the skills I learnt on my previous session, I’m bringing in a new skill that is very useful for me when I’m doing the backstroke, it is called the back crawl turn. This turn is one of the hardest turn because I need to just when to start my turn and making sure I do not collide into the wall. There are ways to make sure I do not hit the wall, they are: look for the flags across the pool and count the number of strokes from the flag or count the number of strokes it takes to get from one end to the other and also I need to make sure I leave enough space to do my turn.

Also I did a skill called butterfly, which requires a lot of stamina and power on my arms, also when I’m doing this particular skill, both my arms need to come out of the water on every stroke. The technique required in this turn is like the front crawl turn but starts and finishes differently. When you swim towards the wall on your back, you are allowed to turn on to your front to do the turn and also this is one of the turns you can touch the wall.

After the tumble, you should already be on your back with your feet on the wall and then starts pushing very hard and then begin the stroke again. Butterfly technique is very crucial because one mistake can cause me travelling the wrong direction and not allowing me enough time to breathe in fresh air. To do this technique right, you must kick your legs down as your hands goes in, keep your legs down as your hands come out, keep your head down when your arms go over the water, keep your head down until your arms are near your thighs and also breathe in quickly.

If your follow this order, you know you are doing the technique correctly. Merit The reason I used the back crawl turn is because is one of the turn I make a lot of mistake on and I need to practice a lot with. This turn can help me to keep my rhythm going when I’m doing the backward crawl. Also the butterfly is another type of stroke I have problem with; it is one of the strokes I need to use to swim from one side to the other and requires a lot of stamina.

Today for my last session, I was planning to improve all my skills / technique that I learnt and done from my previous session and also add in a new tumble turn for my backstroke and a new stroke. I …

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Swimming allows the body to burn calories at a rate of about three (3) calories a mile per pound of bodyweight. Therefore, if a person weights approximately 150 (lbs) pounds and it take that person thirty (30) minutes to swim …

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