Swimming competition

Today for my last session, I was planning to improve all my skills / technique that I learnt and done from my previous session and also add in a new tumble turn for my backstroke and a new stroke. I started off with a simple exercise swimming general from side of the pool to the other and then do some stretches from my calf to my neck. The new skill I used during this session is known as the breaststroke and the breaststroke and butterfly turn.

(Also combine with the other skills I learnt from other sessions). Breaststroke – This requires me to keep my body level with the surface and keep sticking my head out of the water so I can breathe in air. This particular stroke is the slowest out of the 3 different strokes but it doesn’t mean it cannot be swum powerfully and at speed. Breaststroke and butterfly turn – For this particular skill you must touch the wall with both hands, so a touch and pivot turn is used.

(You don’t need to hand on to the wall. The quicker you touch the wall, the faster you can start swimming on the other direction). The technique require for the turn is making sure I touch the wall with both of my hands, turn sideways by taking one hand off the wall and driving my knees towards my chest, then pull the elbow of the arm that I have taken off the wall down, then kick off the wall as I complete the turn so that I an back on to my front. (Have just one stroke underwater after the turn).

The breast stroke technique requires me to keep my body level with the surface, my should needs to be inline and my hips needs to be flat in the water so that I can move my feet and legs together. Take a long stretch between each stroke with the arms, and start stretching it out in front of you (under the surface of the water when doing the stretch), Then press both hand out and round to draw a full circle, making sure the hands stay in front of the shoulder (arms and legs stays under the water all times) and must remember to breathe in as you finish the circle by lifting the head up.

Merit The reason I used these two skills so I can combine them together because for the breaststroke, if I want to carry one swimming without stopping, I need this particular turn to help me (according from the laws of swimming). The reason I used the breaststroke and turn is because I need to learn how to do it and how to use it if I’m in a swimming competition.

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