Jobs in health and social care section

The GP plays an important role in the GP surgery e.g. how the GP surgery is organised, funded and how well the GP surgery is doing which is published annually by the PCT based on views from registered patients. Becoming a GP requires special skills and personal qualities such as: 1. Strong scientific ability as medicine the field in which the GP is in is a science. 2. Excellent communication skills. This will allow the GP to identify their patients problems accurately which will mean that they will be able to give the necessary treatments. Consequently, this will mean that the GP will have less stress and job satisfaction. Also this is beneficial to the patients too as they will understand the treatment options they have and are more likely to follow the advise due to a good relationship of trust between the patient and GP.

3. Patience. This is because treatment can take a long time. Consequently this can mean that the patient meets the GP on a regular basis hence if the Gp shows patience the patient will also be more relaxed about their treatment. Also, patience is important because the main job of the doctor is to listen to the patients needs carefully and as the patient has not undergone full medical training like the GP they would take longer understanding the solutions to their problem. 4. Being able to work under pressure. This is important because being a GP involves hard work, stress and one attribute of a GP is the one who can work under pressure but not show the stress they are behind thus it will not affect their patients. Also, even under pressure the GP needs to make quick but important decisions.

5. Compassionate. A compassionate GP will understand your suffering and empathise with you so does anything they can to relive you. If the GP is compassionate the patient will appreciate the medical advise and solutions more. 6. Good role model. A patient follows what their GP advises as they feel that they are professionally trained to help them. Hence, they need to be positive role models. For example if the GP is encouraging someone to stop smoking the GP should not themselves smoke.

7. Good teamwork skills. This is because if a GP has good teamwork skills they can understand the needs of staff which means that there is good communication. This allows the smooth running of the GP surgery as important issues can be discussed amongst staff. 8. Practical skills for examining patients and carrying out clinical procedures. This is a key skill that a GP needs to have and they get this skill and improve this skill when training. This is highly important because it is a matter of someone’s life here hence you need the right type of skills which are up to perfection.

9. Good listening skills. This is important part of communication. If the GP does not hear what the patients symptoms are they will give the incorrect diagnosis which can be fatal as the patient is being treated for something that they do not have which can damage cells. 10. Good organisation skills. This is important because as a GP there will a lot of paperwork involved, bad organisation skills can lead to documents being lost which can cause problems such as if someone’s medical record is lost. This is breaking the confidentiality of information care value and the medical record could be in the hands of any one who can misuse it hence good organisation skills is a key skill that a GP must have.

11. Flexibility. This is vital as a GP in order to meet the needs of the patients and staff alike they need to adapt to needs of the practice even if it means working for longer after a hard days’ work. This way the GP can ensure the best possible health care is being provided and that the staff are being kept happy as they contribute significantly to the smooth running of the GP surgery. 12. Good leadership skills. This is important because the GP needs to work with the staff to ensure that the running of the GP surgery is as smooth as possible for example through having regular meetings with the staff. Good leadership qualities will mean that the GP surgery is running smoothly and making sure that the staff are happy for example having a GP surgery which offers the chance for the staff to improve their skills e.g. through yearly updates.

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