Health and Social Care Unit 2 Section A

In this section I am going to discuss health and well being, what health means and what health means to other. (We need pictures to explain how and why people have different views). I am also going to explain what P. I. E. S means. I will mention what Hierarchy and Culture means. Well Being- The state or condition of being well; welfare; happiness; prosperity; as, virtue is essential to the well-being of men or of society. What does being healthy mean toe me? For me, being healthy is being fit and active, and free from illnesses.

I also think that being healthy means no involvement in drugs or alcohol. A person is healthy when he/she has a lot of energy, when he/she eats fruits and vegetables everyday and always drinks water. I also think that a person is healthy when he/she exercises daily. What does being healthy mean to someone else? Like people around us? To some people around me, they think that being healthy means having a good physical appearance, not having any mental problems, being fit, not depressed, and also, must be free from and illnesses.

Negative Definition: Some people think that health means not having any illnesses, injuries, and diseases; this is a negative view of health base on someone not having anything wrong and they are not contributing to their health, for example: If someone has no illness, or any injuries but don’t exercise, it will be negative. Positive Definition: This definition is where people contribute toothier healthy state and people think that they are healthy and are fit and well being.

People contribute by eating right and regular exercise. Holistic Definition: This means looking at every part of person’s life. Health is affected by everything and everyone around and it changes all the time. The basic health needs do not change through life but other health needs to. Being able to exercise the mind, by having opportunities to learn. For example, learning to read, and learning to write and to understand different things.

Emotional Needs Here are some of the basic human emotional needs expressed as feelings. While all people share these needs, each differs in the strength of the need, like some people need more water, more food or sleep. One person may need more freedom and independence; others might need more security and social connections. One may have a greater curiosity and need for understanding, while others are contented to accept whatever is told to him/her.

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