Informative Speech

1. Compulsive Hoarding is considered to be a clinical syndrome reported to affect approximately 3 million Americans across the United States. We believe however, that these statistics are highly underrepresented due to the difficulty that those who experience this condition have in asking for help. (www. compulsivehoardingcenter. com) 2. It may begin with such little things as collecting empty cereal boxes or never throwing a newspaper! 3. Hoarding can affect more than just the hoarder themselves. 4. I have done research over the past couple of weeks as well as been an avid watcher or Hoarding-Buried alive on television.

5. Specifically I will discuss what hoarding is, the signs and symptoms and as well as treatments for hoarding. Transition- First I will define what compulsive hoarding is. Body 1. What is Compulsive Hoarding? A. According to the International OCD Foundation compulsive hoarding is a all three of the following: i. A person who collects and keeps a lot of items, even items that appear useless or of little value to most people ii. Items that clutter the living spaces and keep the person from using their room as they were intended ii. Items that cause distress or problems in day-to-day activities.

Transition Next, I will discuss the signs and symptoms of hoarding 2. Signs of Hoarding A. According to the MayoClinic. com you may be able to determine if a person suffers from one or several or these signs or symptoms: i. Cluttered living spaces ii. Inability to discard items iii. Keeling stacks of newspapers, magazines or junk mail iv. Moving items from one pile to another, without discarding anything v. Acquiring unneeded or seemingly useless items, including trash or napkins from a restaurant vi. Difficulty managing daily activities, including procrastination and trouble making decisions vii. Difficulty organizing items viii.

Shame or embarrassment ix. Excessive attachment to possessions, including discomfort letting others touch or borrow possessions x. Limited or no social interactions Transition, Next I will discuss the causes of compulsive hoarding 3. Causes A. According to the Mayo Clinic it is not scientifically clear what causes hoarding. The condition is far more likely to affect those with a family history of hoarding, so genetics and upbringing are likely among trigger factors. Transition, Next I will discuss the treatment 4. Treatment- According to the Mayo Clinic there are 2 types of treatment A. Psychotherapy- during cognitive therapy you may: i.

Explore why you feel compelled to hoard ii. Learn to organize and categorize possessions to help you decide which ones to discard iii. Improve your decision-making skills iv. De-clutter your home during in-home visits by a therapist or professional organizer v. Learn to practice relaxation skills vi. Attend family or group therapy vii. Be encouraged to consider psychiatric hospitalization if your hoarding is severe viii. Have periodic visits or ongoing treatment to help you keep healthy habits B. Medications- The most common types of medication given are antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors like Paxil. Conclusion.

1. I have briefly described what hoarding is as well as the signs and symptoms . and treatment for hoarding. 2. Next time you drive by what seems only to be a clutter house in all reality you might be driving by one of the 3 million American that suffers from compulsive hoarding. References Mayoclinic. com References 1. Fact sheet: What is compulsive hoarding. International OCD Foundation. http://www. ocfoundation. org/uploadedFiles/Hoarding%20Fact%20Sheet. pdf? n=3557. Accessed March 14, 2011. 2. Sansone RA, et al. Hoarding: Obsessive symptom or syndrome? Psychiatry. 2010;7:24. 3. Tolin DF. Challenges and advances in treating hoarding.

Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2011. In press. 4. Tolin DF. Understanding and treating hoarding: A biopsychosocial perspective. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2011. In press. 5. Saxena S. Recent advances in compulsive hoarding. Current Psychiatry Reports. 2008;10:297. 6. Storch EA, et al. Compulsive hoarding in children. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2011. In press. 7. Tompkins MA. Working with families of people who hoard: A harm reduction approach. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2011. In press. International OCD Foundation (2010) Hoarding. [On-Line]. http://www. ocfoundation. org/hoarding. aspx.

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