Informative speech

I. Introduction a. “Only 5% of sufferers know they have it” –Green. I’m talking about celiac disease and 1 in 133 people in the US have it. b. I’m going to inform you about this disease because it seems to be unknown and if left untreated it is very harmful. c. Celiac disease is when you cannot eat gluten and a lot of people have no idea that they even have it. d. Today I’m going to tell you how this affects your body, they symptoms, and the diet that sufferers need to follow e. * first let me tell you exactly what this disease does to your body II. Body a. Affects on your body i.

Gluten 1. A protein found in wheat, rye, and barely 2. 2nd to sugar as most commonly consumed ingredients ii. Small Intestine 1. Immune system reacts to gluten by damaging villi a. Villi absorbs nutrients 2. When villi is damaged a. Malnutrition can occur b. Anemia can also take affect 3. This may also lead to other diseases a. Lymphoma and Adenocarcinoma i. Intestinal cancer b. Osteoporosis i. Low calcium intake ii. Brittle bones c. Miscarriage d. Thyroid disease e. Type 1 diabetes 4. Small intestine recovery a.

Thankfully, the small intestine may repair itself if you stop your intake of gluten. iii. * as you can see, this disease has many complications here are some signs and symptoms b. Symptoms i. Many different physical affects 1. Gas, diarrhea 2. Anemia a. Iron deficiency 3. Cramps 4. Mouth soars 5. Weights loss, tiredness ii. Maybe hardly any painful symptoms 1. Most common a. Irritability iii. Heredity 1. One of most commonly inherited disease 2. All heritages and backgrounds c. *if these symptoms are occurring or you know a family member who suffers from celiac disease, talk to your doctor d. Diagnosis i. If concerned the doctor will follow these 4 steps.

1. Medical history 2. Physical examination 3. Blood test a. Determines if the gene for the disease is present in the patient’s body 4. Biopsy of small intestine a. Shows how much damage has been done e. *if you have the disease there is no cure and the only treatment is the correct diet f. Diet i. Common foods that contain gluten 1. Bouillons and broths 2. Breading 3. Cake flour/wheat flour 4. Communion wafers 5. Dry roasted nuts 6. Fried chicken 7. Gravies and sauces 8. Imitation bacon and seafood 9. Marinades 10. Processed meats 11. Pastas 12. Salad dressings 13. Seasonings.

14. Canned/mixes for soup 15. Soy sauce 16. Thickeners 17. Wheat starch yogurts 18. Chips 19. Candy 20. Bleu cheese 21. Oats a. Scientists are still debating ii. None food 1. Some medications 2. Envelopes that we lick 3. Some vitamins 4. Color dyes in food iii. Cross contamination 1. Many factories make wheat products that also make products without gluten in it. iv. Eating out 1. Can be extremely difficult a. Some have gluten free items i. Pizza ii. Cakes v. Gluten free foods 1. Grocery store a. Special ingredients i. Pizza, cakes, cookies b. Special brands i. Mixes ii.

Cereal, bread, crackers c. But also more expensive d. Small selection 2. *this disease may sound extremely difficult to live with but there are many resources out there to help cope with this completely new diet. It seems impossible but from personal experience I know that it is not. III. Conclusion a. The reason I know of this disease is because my sister Hillary has celiac disease. She found out a few years ago and now we all believe that my dad had it also. It is a huge pain but my sister has learned to work around it and still be able to enjoy foods that she loves.

The best part is that we now know what was causing her extreme stomach pains and she no longer has to live with that. i. So now with the proper knowledge of gluten food, how the disease damages our small intestine, and the symptoms to look out for you are all aware of this overlooked disease. ii. With so many people living without even knowing they had this disease it scares me. I’m glad that I’ve gotten to inform all of you about it because I think that it is important. My sister lived many years not knowing why she was in such pain and now she can live without it. Thank you for listening and please help inform others about celiac disease.

I became interested in celiac disease because I was diagnosed with in December 2012. Celiac disease is a disease that is very common, but a lot of people do not know about it. Celiac Disease affects people in different ways. …

I am doing a report on celiac disease and nutrition. In my report I will tell you what celiac is and how the right or wrong nutrition can effect not only the disease, but also you body internally. I will …

Everyone that has phenylketonuria or celiac disease knows that this is something serious and it will affect them. Emily Meyers is a mother of a child with phenylketonuria; she says it was the hardest thing. Because not only does she …

Everyone that has phenylketonuria or celiac disease knows that this is something serious and it will affect them. Emily Meyers is a mother of a child with phenylketonuria; she says it was the hardest thing. Because not only does she …

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