Heart Diseae Informative Outline

Introduction Greeting: Hello Everyone, My name is Shelly Kutschenko and I’m here to talk about Heart disease in women

Attention getter: Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in women in the United States. According to The Center for Disease Control (CDC), heart disease claimed more than 292,188 women’s’ lives in 2009, that’s 1 in every 4 female deaths. The National Coalition of Heart Disease states that “A woman dies every 34 seconds. ”

Purpose: To inform my audience about Heart Disease in women


I. Signs and Symptoms

II. Diagnosis and Test.

III. Treatment.

I. Signs and Symptoms: “Women tend to downplay their symptoms” According to Author Ben Forer who quotes Dr. Kathy Magliato “The most common way women present with heart disease is dead, dead on arrival. ”

A. Angina: WebMD describes Angina as pain in the chest, discomfort, heaviness or a full feeling in the chest. James Combs noted that in Cardiovascular disease and woman that Dr. Dennis Walker noted that “women may feel other symptoms; squeezing-type pain in the center of the chest that may radiate to the neck, shoulders, and jaw.

B. Weakness/Dizziness: Feeling faint or lightheaded. C. Nausea: Center for Disease Control defines nausea as uneasiness of the stomach that comes before vomiting. E. Loss of Appetite

II. Diagnosis/ Test: Health Care providers can diagnosis heart disease through different types of test and or procedures.

A. Blood Test: Doctors may check levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood cell count according to the Mayo Clinic(2012)

B. Electrocardiogram: Records electrical signals and detects irregularities in your heart rhythm and structure. (Mayo Clinic 2012)

C. Echocardiogram: Ultrasound of your heart shows detailed pictures of the hearts structures and function. (Mayo Clinic 2012)

D. CT scan (Cardiac Computerized Tomography): Is used to check for heart failure, as you lie down on a table that looks like a doughnut a rotating machine take images of your heart. (Mayo Clinic 2012)

E. Cardiac MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging): According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, a cardiac MRI uses radio waves, magnets, and a computer to create pictures of your heart.

III. Treatment

A. Medication

  1. Aspirin
  2. Antiplatelet therapy

B. Lifestyle Changes

  1. Quit Smoking: Each year more than 135,000 people die from smoking related heart-disease (WebMd).
  2. Exercise: Dr. Dean Kereiakes, MD, FACC and Douglas Wetherill, MS notes that “currently, only 22% of adults in the United States exercise at a level that benefits their cardiovascular system,” (p. 72) The US. Surgeon General recommends exercising for 20-30 a day, 5 days a week. (p. 75).
  3. Reduce Stress : American Heart Association states “ Some scientist have noted a relationship between coronary heart disease risk and stress in a person’s life may affect the risk factors for heart disease, for example. ”

C. Surgery

  1. Angioplasty: Kereiakes and Wetherill write that “angioplasty is a procedure in which a heart doctor inserts a balloon catheter over a thin wire across an artery. The balloon is inflated and compresses the plaque to clear the arteries of any blockage. ”(p. 106-107).
  2. Bypass Surgery: In the book Heart Disease: What you should know, Kereiakes and Wetherill noted “bypass surgery is used to correct blood flow to the heart that angioplasty cannot, A Cardiovascular Surgeon uses a piece of the patients artery to reroute blood around the blockage. ”

Conclusion Transition: Heart Disease affects many lives Re-state: Heart Disease is the leading killer among women. The Death Rate has decreased among men but continues to increase for women according to the Clevelend Clinic.


I. Signs and Symptoms.

II. Diagnosis/ Test

III. Treatment.

Clincher: Heart Disease has affected my life in more than one way, my father and mother both have been diagnosed with Heart Disease, As long as you are educated and know the signs and symptoms to look for, you can decrease you chances of being just another statistic. Let me leave you with a quote from Dr. Kathy Magliato, a Cardiac Thoracic Surgeon at St. Johns Health Center “We have to think of this disease as a women’s disease, it’s not a man’s disease. The symptoms between men and women are so drastically different that what women believe is heart disease is really a men’s heart disease. ”


  • Combs, J. (2012, February 6). Cardiovascular disease and women. Nature Coast Healthy Living. Retrieved from http://www. amazing-mediagroup. com/articles/cardiovascular-disease-and-women.
  • Forer, B. (2001, July 6). Top 5 symptoms of heart disease in women. ABC News. Retrieved from http://abcnews. go. com/health/heartdiseasenews/top-symptoms-heart-disease-women/story? id=14009993.
  • Heart disease. (2012, August 10). Mayoclinic. Retrieved from http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/heart-disease/ds01120. Heart disease. (2012, December 4). Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved.

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