Heart Disease

Bring up a heart disease and most people start thinking of a heart attack. But in reality, a heart disease consists more than just a heart attack. Heart attack just isn’t for men; it also includes women in the category (Star, Ventura County). There can be/are many conditions that can cause a heart to stop doing its normal abilities. Some of the conditions include coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia, and heart failure. 1 in 3 Americans have some sort of cardiovascular disease (Star, Ventura County).

But today, I will be explaining the risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis, complications, treatment, cures of a heart attack. A heart attack usually occurs with a blood clot happening to block the way of the blood flow through a blood vessel which feeds it to the heart. The interrupted flow of blood to the heart can damage or even destroy a heart muscle. Another name for a heart attack is also called a myocardial, which can be fatal (Foundation Mayo). “Myo” means muscle; “cardial” refers to the heart, and “infraction” means death to a tissue due to loss of blood supply (WebMD).

People have this difficulty because they try to ignore the problems without knowing its symptoms. I will be explaining the symptoms later on. But because of the delay in accepting the disease people end up giving their lives which is sad for their family members and friends. The treatment in the U. S. A. has improved dramatically (Foundation Mayo). The research is still continuing forward. The lifestyle to live in today makes a very big difference: the way you eat, how you exercise, and even how you can deal with your stress. Your heart muscle requires a steady supply of oxygen (Foundation Mayo).

The muscle which provides the heart with the oxygen is called coronary arteries. Each coronary artery provides blood to a special region of the heart. When you have coronary artery disease, CAD, the blood vessel narrows which makes the blood not flow as well as it should. After that, a sticky plague builds up on the inside of the blood vessel. When a heart attack happens, one of the plagues can break. After the burst a blood clot will form on that spot, blocking the flow of the blood completely (Foundation Mayo). Another cause for a heart attack can be/is a spasm, which is caused by drugs (WebMD).

Other causes of a heart attack include: a tear in the coronary artery, small blood clots, and small tumors from other part of the body. With all of these causes the heart muscle then has no oxygen to be fed. In a little while, the cells of the heart start to die. If the flow of blood is continued again, then it is possible that an attack can be cured. Being able to recognize a heart attack is an important thing because then you know what steps to take for recovery. Common heart attack symptoms include: a pressure building up in your chest with pain which last for more than a few minutes.

Pain that is being extended from your chest to your back, arm, shoulder, or even teeth or jaw. More symptoms would include: Shortness of breath, sweating, fainting, and nausea and vomiting. Additional signs for women can be heartburn, lightheaded or dizziness, and tiredness (Foundation Mayo). The symptoms written above can be varied in different types of people. The more signs that you have can be likelihood that you are having a heart attack. Heart attacks can happen anytime, when you work, play, or even when you are resting (Foundation Mayo). Many people get warning signs beforehand like days or even weeks before.

The earliest sign of a heart attack happens from a chest pain called Angina (WebMD). This pain can be triggered by exertion and then relieved by rest (WebMD). This happens by a temporary decline of blood flow available to the heart muscle. Many people think that Heart Failure is when the heart stops working, but it really means that the heart cannot pump enough blood to the body efficiently (Foundation Mayo). Factors towards a heart attack build up the sticky plague that could narrow down the coronary arteries supply of blood. Age is one of the factors toward a heart attack.

Men who are 45 or older and women who are 55 or older are at greater risk than younger people (WebMD). Another risk factor is Tobacco, when you smoke firsthand or second it could damage the coronary artery. This allows deposits of cholesterol and other substances to block the blood flow to the heart and cause clots (Foundation Mayo). Diabetes can be a risk factor, which can occur in childhood but more in middle aged and overweight people. High blood pressure increases as you age. But a main problem is when people east a diet which is too high in salt and being overweight.

Impact of diet can be greater in elderly versus the young. High blood pressure can also be an in heritage problem. Family history can be a risk factor if your siblings, parents or grandparents had a heart attack, you can be at risk (Foundation Mayo). A lack of physical activity can result in high blood cholesterol level. Obesity can be a risk factor in people because it is connected with high blood cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and diabetes. The use of illegal drugs like stimulant can trigger a spasm in the coronary artery. The damage caused by a heart attack to your heart can be defined as complications.

Abnormal heart rhythms are a complication which can be fatal to the body (Foundation Mayo). Heart failure is another complication which means that the heart is unable to pump enough supplies of blood to the body. Heart rupture leaves a hole in the heart which can also be just as fatal as other complications (WebMD), a valve problem can be a result of a heart attack. When you go to a doctor in concern of a heart attack, he will first do regular physical exams of risk factor and symptoms. If the doctor is concerned, many tests will be given to you to be positive.

The first test would be an Electrocardiogram (ECG), electrodes will be attached to your skin, recording your impulses as waves (WebMD). Blood tests will be given because certain enzymes tend to leak out of the skin if your heart is damaged (Foundation Mayo). If the problem is serious then additional steps will be taken for recovery. Chest x-ray will post images on the computer of your heart or vessels to see if any fluids are present (Foundation Mayo). Echocardiogram uses sound waves to see the video image of the heart, this test is used to see if the heart is pumping regularly or if it’s damaged (WebMD).

Coronary catheterization tells if the coronary arteries are blocked or arrowed. A liquid dye is injected into the artery using a thin tube, after the injection, the artery which is blocked can be seen through a X-ray. Another test will be taken called a stress test, this measures how your heart and blood vessels respond to exertion (WebMD). In the stress test you may be walking on a treadmill, or using a stationary bike while an ECG is attached to you (Foundation Mayo). In a Cardiac computerized tomography (CT) you lie down on a table and into a circle shaped tube big enough to fit you.

The test will collect the images of your heart and chest (Foundation Mayo). After testing you, it comes down to how you should be treated. As well as giving you drug like Aspirin, and Pain-relievers you might undergo some surgical operations. A surgical operation would be coronary angioplasty; in this the blocked artery gets open. To open up the artery a small thin tube is inserted in the artery with a small balloon which gets inflated, opening up the artery, and then a metal mesh stent is put in to keep the artery open forever (Foundation Mayo).

Another surgery is coronary artery bypass, in this another vessel is fit as a replacement to the blocked artery, restoring the blood flow to the heart (WebMD). After the heart attack you should try to keep your body as healthy as possible. Do not smoke even if it is hard to quit a person must try to maintain your health. Check your cholesterol level regularly. After a heart attack get your regular medical checkups. Your blood pressure should be controlled every time. Exercise daily to keep fit and your heart healthy, studies show that the impact of diet, exercise and medications can be greater to prevent heart disease (Star, Ventura County).

Eating a healthy diet and maintaining weight can lower cholesterol level, meaning keeping a healthy heart. A person should know everything about a heart attack if he has had one. Learning about it can prevent future problems and can help the people around you like your parents, and children. Even if you don’t have heart attack doing the things necessary in maintaining health is important. Don’t hold back on treating your heart, it could cause you your life. Citation “WebMD Heart Disease Health Center – Information About Heart Disease.

” WebMD. WebMD, 2005- 2012. Web. 14 Nov. 2012. <http://www. webmd. com/heart-disease/default. htm>. Foundation, Mayo. “Heart Disease. ” Mayoclinic. com. Mayo Foundation, 1998-2012. Web. 14 Nov. 2012. <http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/heart-disease/DS01120/DSECTION=symptoms >. Star, Ventura County. “Heart Health Talk to Give Vital Information. ” Ventura County Star. Alicia Doyle, 29 Nov. 2012. Web. 30 Nov. 2012. <http://www. vcstar. com/news/2012/nov/29/heart-health-talk- To-give-vital-information/>.

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