Health and Well-being

Health and well-being is your idea of health and well-being. The ideas you have about health are those that other people in your society and culture use and have probably taught you. It’s not only about being physically healthy but also being mentally healthy. In European and American societies being healthy means having no injuries and feeling ok. This would be a negative view as being healthy is based on how well you are feeling and if you are feeling fine. One negative affect could be that you are feeling stressed about work.

A positive view of health is the opposite of negative. This is finding qualities and abilities that you should have to be healthy. For example being physically fit, the correct weight and being happy. Although health isn’t just about being physically fit or being the correct weight. Age and life stages should also be taken into account when thinking about the health of an individual. A holistic approach to health say we should take other aspects of a person’s life into account when we’re looking at their health.

So taking in things like: physical health, intellectual well-being, social well-being and emotional well-being meaning someone’s bodily health e. g. weight. Thinking and learning e. g. reading and writing. Relationships e. g. a good social life and feelings e. g. if your feeling happy or sad. Health and well-being can change over time and between cultures. In the prehistoric times it was said that people had their skulls drilled with holes because they thought this would release the spirit when they died, but many of the skulls show evidence that the person was alive when this happened.

This was called trepanning. In other times when people got ill they would send for a religious leader or traditional healer to banish the ‘evil spirit’ from them and return them to health. In other cultures people use Chinese herbal medicine, which is supposed to deal with physical and mental health problems. Also it provides ways of strengthening a person’s recovery power, their immunity and capacity for well-being. Chinese medicine consists mainly of different herbs.

Health and well-being can be a result of a combination of PIES; Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and Social factors. This is a holistic definition of health and well-being. The book ‘Health & Social Care for GCSE, by Mark Walsh, published by Collins’ …

This coursework will be based on unit 2, which is promoting health and well-being. I will look at understanding health and well being by including positive, negative and holistic definitions of health. Further, I will consider different aspects and cultures, …

In this chapter you will learn that some indicators of physical health can be measured they can be measured in a lot of ways for example: Blood pressure can be measured, peak flow, body mass index, resting pulse, and recovery …

My client, Justin Timberlake is very determined to improve on his PIES and lifestyle over all. Personally I think he is going to struggle to follow his diet plan in the first two weeks, but hopefully at the end; he …

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