Health and social care

Body Mass Index is a measure of the weight of a person scaled according to height. It was invented between 1830 and 1850. This table showing height and weight shows whether you are underweight, normal, overweight or obese for your height. To calculate your BMI you can use this calculation; Also there are many websites in which you can calculate it easily by typing in weight and height on the NHS website; Karen’s BMI is 21 which mean’s she is leading a healthy lifestyle because approximately she is the right weight for her height.

2. Possible aspects of lifestyle improvements This is Karen’s average weekly intake of food and drink. She tries to eat a healthy diet and balance the food groups out so that she gets all of the required nutrients she should need. She tries not to eat many foods with high fat contents and only eats sugary foods rarely. These are the targets I would give her to improve her health: Family – they can help prepare foods for Karen so that she has more time for cooking without frying

Karen doesn’t do much exercise except for her job. She joined a gym but quit after a few months as she found she wasn’t going enough to make it worth her money. She goes for walks a few times a week. Exercise is important because, it helps your heart and cardiovascular system work more efficiently, it helps control weight and reduces body fat, it helps keep muscles, bones, and joints healthy, it improves balance and flexibility and helps stress and anxiety. These are the targets I would give her to improve her exercise:

Buy a fitness DVD and do parts of it during the day when you have time The achievable distance between the flexed position and the extended position of a joint or muscle is called its flexibility. Flexibility can also be described as something that is capable of withstanding stress without injury. Karen has a flexibility of 4cm which means she is quite flexible, however to improve her flexibility I would give her these targets: Three factors that must be assessed before a health improvement plan can be written are.

1. Dietary information 2. Exercise pattern 3. Amount of sleep Health, behaviour and lifestyle can be assessed as part of a health improvement programme by keeping an honest record of what you eat and drink, the amount of sleep you get, your exercise patterns, how many cigarettes you smoke and any other substances you consume such as drugs or alcohol. Health assessment is a necessary part of planning health improvement because it helps me to identify health problems and to know what advice I could give to improve the person’s health. Here are the targets:

What is health and well-being? How do we know if we are healthy or not? Everyone wants to be healthy but how do we know if we are or not? Health and well-being will mean different things to different people. This …

When babies are born, they are weighed and measured regularly to display whether they are fed properly. They are also assessed to show their growth rates and see if they are growing properly. Also to see if the baby is …

Monitoring pulse levels means you can exercise at the optimum level for burning fat Exercising at home means you can fit around your own time Gardening is a free exercise and can burn calories Have to purchase new clothes as old ones will …

My client, Justin Timberlake is very determined to improve on his PIES and lifestyle over all. Personally I think he is going to struggle to follow his diet plan in the first two weeks, but hopefully at the end; he …

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