Health and Social Care

When babies are born, they are weighed and measured regularly to display whether they are fed properly. They are also assessed to show their growth rates and see if they are growing properly. Also to see if the baby is underweight, overweight, average etc… Additionally, they are weighed every week for the first two months of their lives. Body mass index is an indicator of good health as it measures the amount of fat in an individual’s body in association to his or hers height.

It is a formula used to show your body weight in relation to your height to see whether you are underweight, average or overweight. BMI equals weight in kilograms divided by height in meters. Blood is carried from the heart to all parts of your body in vessels called arteries. Blood pressure is the pressure in which the blood is applied in the arteries and the force in which the heart pumps blood. According to Google, they define blood pressure as, “the level of pressure that the blood exerts against the walls of the arteries as it passes through them.

” This is also a successful indicator of an individual’s health as it measures how fast your heart is pumping blood therefore it advises you if you need to do certain things to help slow down the rate at which your heart pumps. As you can see, it’s a very positive thing and can help stop you from developing diseases such as heart disease and can make your kidney work harder which is very damaging. Blood pressure is very vital to the body and if it is average then your lifestyle will be much more satisfied.

Another way of checking on your health is by using a peak flow meter. A peal flow meter is a special kind of instrument that measures the breathing rate and the volume of air taken in by an individual in the time of each breath. In addition, they are also used to distinguish how efficient a person’s lungs are. To use a peak flow meter, a person has to blow as hard as he/she can into the mouthpiece and then examine the pointer and check the reading however you must do this three times to assure that you get an accurate reading.

The measurement is used to estimate the width of the air flow in the bronchi. This is a positive indicator and you can use it to find out whether an individual is breathing properly or if they are managing their asthma correctly etc… A person’s resting pulse rate is the pulse rate when a person is sitting still without moving. You can measure your pulse rate by placing pressure on your wrist or your neck. Your recovery heart rate is the number of beats per minute your heart drops when you stop moving.

The higher the fitness levels the faster the drop in heart rate. The most common recovery heart rate can be measurement of up to 1 to 2 minutes however a complete recovery heart may consist of up to an hour. This is a positive indicator of health considering it shows how healthy and athletic your body is after exercise. If your heart does not pump that fast then you are in a healthy and fit state so your body can be affected by much less diseases or illnesses therefore it is very beneficial and helpful.

In this chapter you will learn that some indicators of physical health can be measured they can be measured in a lot of ways for example: Blood pressure can be measured, peak flow, body mass index, resting pulse, and recovery …

As part of my unit 2 coursework in year 11 I am expected to complete another piece of coursework on the same case study making a realistic health plan, including 4 physical measurements and describe it and also describe the …

What is health and well-being? How do we know if we are healthy or not? Everyone wants to be healthy but how do we know if we are or not? Health and well-being will mean different things to different people. This …

Body Mass Index is a measure of the weight of a person scaled according to height. It was invented between 1830 and 1850. This table showing height and weight shows whether you are underweight, normal, overweight or obese for your height. To …

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