GCSE physical education

Identify the important skills/techniques and fitness components needed for participation in the Goal Attack position of netball and explain why they are important, The key skills that Sana Kamani needs in order to participate in the games sport of netball are as follows: – Knowledge of rules Sana needs to have a good understanding of rules and positions of this sport, she needs to be aware of her and others positions and which sections of the court players are allowed and not allowed.

Fair Play Sana needs to keep control and not get tempted to go off side, foul or perform in any way which is unfair as penalties will be rewarded by referee which will benefit the opposing team. – Co-operation with umpire Sana needs to follow umpires instructions and must be able to control negative emotions towards umpire even if she feels the umpire’s instructions or decisions are not fair and must not show any signs of rudeness towards the umpire as umpires have the right to send players off for bad sportsmanship.

Co-ordination Sana needs to have developed good co-ordination skills with her body. Co-ordination occurs as a result of interaction between the body’s motor and nervous system. It enables the body to combine in producing a desired movement or sequence of movements. Co-ordination is essential in the maintaining of balance and controlling the movement of limbs which is crucial in netball as the limbs play separate parts in passing, catching and throwing the ball. Good co-ordination also helps avoid bumping into opponents as it helps you doge or side step and opponent.

Speed Sana needs to have a reasonable amount of speed to dodge the defenders and get free of her netball ball games. Reaction time (Anticipation/timing) Sana needs to be able to react fast to a ball being passed to her or a defender running towards her, she will also need to have a good reaction time when the ball rebounds off the goal post as she is in a Goal Attack position she most probably will come across a lot of rebounds, quick reacting time is needed so she can quickly jump for the ball..

Agility Sana needs to be agile, she needs to have the ability to move in a controlled way and change direction, turn, stop and start quickly. Sana needs to be able to adjust her feet quickly in order to adopt a particular body position prior to making a quick turn or pass. Agility is a key skill in netball for all players. Variety of passes Sana needs to be able to perform various forms of accurate passes as netball is a sporting game which is based on various passes i.e. short passes within the circle, chest passes etc. She must also know which is the best pass to use in a particular situation i.e bounce pass would be useful when surrounded by tall players from the opposition.


Sana will also need to have good cardiovascular fitness and muscular fitness as she will need to have the ability to exercise the entire body for reasonably long periods of time and will also require short bursts of maximum energy. Cardiovascular fitness is also known as aerobic fitness which is exercise which requires the presence of oxygen. Muscular fitness can also be called anaerobic fitness, exercise which does not require the presents of oxygen. Identify and describe in detail the strengths of the player/participant and the effects these have on performance.

Sana has a good knowledge of the rules and positions of players in netball this helps her in the basic steps of netball as she knows how to play, which will prevent her from being hesitant from making certain moves as she is confidant with what to do and how to play. Sana has good co-ordination over the whole of her body which also helps her in the basic steps of netball as she has control over her balance and movement of her limbs so she has the basic requirements to be good netball player.

Sana has good anticipation/timing skills which helps her when the ball is passed to her in the game as she is alert, quick and ready to catch, pass or even shoot. She also has great speed and good at dodging markers and getting free which is useful especially in her position as a shooter because she is often when given opportunities getting free and making shots, which is highly beneficial to her performance as there is an increased chance in goal opportunities. Sana’s speed also helps her move around the court well making it difficult for the rivalling team. Sana’s general speed and reaction speed enhance her performance as a Goal attacker well.

Sana’s great agility helps her make quick turns, passes and shots which are three of the most essential requirements of a netball Goal Attacker. Sana’s great agility provides her with great pivoting skills which helps her to pass, which also increases goal opportunities as when the goal shooter is free she often pivots and passes to goal shooter setting the goal shooter up for goals. Sana’s agility is extremely beneficial to her performance.

Sana’s skills I have mentioned above are performed throughout the netball game I observed with great consistency. This is because she has reasonably good aerobic and anaerobic fitness. Identify and describe in detail the weakness of the player/participant and the effect these have on performance. Sana needs to improve her shooting as she often finds her self getting free to shoot because of a combination of many other good skills, but failing to score on many occasions.

However although Sana’s shooting is not perfect I feel with sufficient practice she will be a good attacker as she is good at getting free for shots. Sana’s shooting negatively affects her performance as she is an attacker and it is a important job of an attacker to score on all clear opportunities and she does not score on every opportunity created therefore having a negative impact on her performance as a Goal attacker.

Sana also needs to improve her arm action as she does not position her arms well enough when marking the opposing player, this allows players from the other team to pass more freely which also slightly weakens her performance. Sana also needs to make more accurate passes, in order to do so she needs to have good balance and be more careful before shooting this I feel also needs to be improved by practice as she has the agility so she can easily improve on this with practice.

Suggest what training practice methods should be used to maintain the strengths but in particular, to address the weaknesses that I have identified. In order to enhance Sana’s performance she needs to have continuous practice which will help progress her performance in general ,maintain her strengths and help in the development of her weaknesses. The general practice in the game will help her to identify the specific needs of improvement.

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