Free swimming courses

Planning a lesson before hand is very important in many ways. There are many things that need to be considered while planning a session. The most important thing is the aim and purpose of the lesson, you need to have a clear idea of what the objective of the lesson is so the students know what is being taught, also the goals that need to be achieved at the end of the lesson. Whilst planning a lesson you need to think of the age group of the student this will help you to know the type and level of warm-up and skills should be done in the lessons.

Other factors are how many people, what level there at, where the lesson is taking place and equipment. If these factors are in a plan then you are likely to have a successful lesson. Also to evaluate the lesson so you can improve next time, as there is always space for improvement. I feel I needed to improve on my communication skills. Unit 2 Communication skills include verbal, non-verbal and use of whistle. Whilst teaching a lesson it is important to communicate with pupils in an appropriate manner. When you verbally communicate you need to make sure you Phrase your words clearly and positively.

Try to have a basic outline of what you are going to say, you have to think before you use your words so the student know you are well prepared and will not lose concentration. Make sure you speak in a loud voice so all students can hear as a result listen carefully to you, whilst speaking make sure you have pauses and not speaking all in one go, also do not add an “ah”, “um” as the student will take advantage as they think you are nervous. In addition avoid careless language or abusive language, try to make your body language be enthusiastic and assertive.

When using non-verbal communication facial expressions should be used well to get attention of the students. Also be careful on the space between the students an you, such as standing close or being to far, keep eye contact with students and try having some humour. When using a whistle makes sure you use it appropriately, like three sharp blows to stop a game, also do not overuse it or use it to less. Demonstration I feel I quite simple, I find it enjoyable to explain the demonstration to them, I explain it thouroughly and most of the time they know exactly what to do.

However I feel I need to improve my whistle use, as I tend to do it too quietly. Unit 3 There are many reasons to why people do not exercise. Firstly people do not have time their lives they are so busy also because it is boring, some people are embarrassed to exercise because of their size or because they are already slim and healthy, others have medical issues or are just lazy. There are many ways to overcome this problem firstly if you do not have time make a schedule and find time, wake up half an hour earlier and stop being lazy.

To get rid of bored ness ADD MUSIC when exercising. That’s what many people enjoy most about aerobic dancing or spinning classes. Also GO to different PLACES. Exercise indoors when you must, but on beautiful days, take your exercise outside and enjoy the scenery at the same time. Having a healthy lifestyle will reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity and more! Living healthy also elevates your mood, helping you to feel happy and have more self-confidence, which results in a better quality of life.

A fitness session was lead by me we tested all the skill related exercise and results were giving to them, the feedback was that the session was fun and its was learnt from it. Unit 4 Fair Play is to enhance and promote safety and respect with all participants involved and to promote a positive environment. It is the concept of fairness involving treating everyone equally and impartially. Fair Play has five basic principles: Respect the rules. Respect the opponents. Respect the officials and their decisions. Have everyone participate. Maintain self-control at all times.

Fair Play does not change any rules of the game. Fair Play encourages all players on all teams to be as competitive as possible but within the rules. Learning about fair play not only changes the students attitudes it changes sport leader as well, as when I learn fair play I realized we as well have responsibility, I felt I learnt how to control my temper and keep it under control. When player break rules I feel action should be taken immediately or else other team will try to break rules. Unit 5 A sport official has many responsibilities.

Officials should be firm, but not arrogant; fair, but not officious, they should know a basic knowledge and understanding of the game being played. Also officials should call all fouls regardless of the pressure from fans, the official’s reputation would be built on the basis of her/his uncompromising honesty and integrity. Finally officials should be role models if they are to be respected by the players, coaches, and spectators. Rules are very important as if there was none, there would be cautious. People will be doing the complete opposite of fair play, people would feel left out, fights can break out and as a result people are hurt.

When we demonstrated being sport officials we had many roles. Coach should encourage students, help player off pitch and praise players. Organisers give fair play award to at least 3 students, get teams ready and keep player under control. Scorer keeps score and gives scores to umpire. Unit 6 There are varieties of places where it is possible to take part in sports. Leisure centres, parks, youth clubs, schools, outdoor education centres, at home and at stadiums, all these are available in local areas like Newham, Eastham and Atherton.

There are many courses available like swimming, basketball, netball, tennis, karate etc there is also a personal trainer who is specific for you and tests your fitness and improves It by making a PEP for you. For people who are 16 and younger or 60 an over there have an advantage of free swimming courses, football, netball and much more. Some Courses are aimed at specific people like disabled, young or old. This is very good as people get own attention in exercise. Also mostly equipment is free, but for those doing advance sports they do pay. Unit 7 On 17th June we taught year 10s.

I felt we as a group (5 of us) did extremely well. We started by telling them the aim and purpose of the lesson. Then we stated by doing a warm up, we did disc and domes as this age group enjoys this. We used verbal and non-verbal communication. After this we did our stretches and started our introduction of skill. We taught them the techniques of batting once they got the procedure we got the skill into a game which progressed the skill. We had every player participating and gave everyone an equal chance. The group feedback was positive they said they learn new skills and had fun at the same time.

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