Sports & recreation

My name is Kayleigh Mills and I am the sports and recreation advisor for Stevenage. I am writing to every head of PE to express my feelings and opinions towards ethics and values in schools. My personal view of values in sport is that it comes down to the player’s beliefs in the sport and the standard he or she sets. For example whether a team member puts in 100% effort in the sport they are playing. I define ethics in sport as the moral rules, principles and values, perhaps more simply put, practicing the following core values to sport

An example of good ethics is players knowing the rules of a game and following them. Sport is an important part of life; it can bring people to together. In some cases give people a purpose. This is why it is important that sport is played properly and good ethics and values are shown. It is better to teach this to children, so it’s with them as they grow up. Whether as athletes, officials, coaches or supporters. We all must take personal responsibility for ensuring that sport is fun and fair for all and this value should be taught at a young age. Ethics is not just about shaking someone’s hand at the end of a game. Sport can provide children with fun, enjoyment, and excitement. In order for them to have this sports ethics and values should be shown and followed. Having high ethical standards is an ongoing process of learning and improvement.

It is important in sport as it is in all aspects of life, that individuals respect the rights of others and in return, knows what rights they can expect. Students should never criticise fellow players or players of the other team, they should only encourage and respect their players. Fair play refers to the conduct of individuals involved with any part of sporting practice. Players should play fair and in theory be able to refreree there own matches. Players should respect the decisions made by their officials and abide by them, this shows good sportsmanship. Players should also have knowledge of the game, for example they should know the free kick rule if they are playing football.

Fair play can be defined as the upholding of fairness before, during and after, and directly relating to a game, match or event. You should always inform players of the consequences that will occur if they do not play fair or cheat. Cheating in sport should never be tolerated because it ruins the game for every one. Fair play can often be best promoted through a code of conduct that clearly defines the rules of the games and the do’s and don’ts.

Equality in sport is the practice of fairness and the upholding of the rules also to ensure that all individuals are respected and have equal opportunities regardless of their sex, gender, religion, sexuality or ethnic background. It is important for all those involved in sport to support and promote the principles of equity, whether they are playing, refereeing or coaching. I think that it is so important that when incidents of negative discrimination occur they are dealt with promptly. If equality is not tolerated it will cause a better learning and teaching atmosphere.

Racism can be best described as negative discrimination against an individual because of their colour, racial origin; It is not acceptable in society and must not be tolerated in any shape or form in sport. Schools should create an environment where racism is not tolerated and it is dealt with extremely seriously. I firmly believe that players should also have a uniform and that every player should wear it, this is because this creates a unity in the team and discourages inequality. This also means that players should always use proper equiptmeny when playing sport, for example having shin pads on when playing football. This is also to encourage health and safety.

I have a strong view about good etiquette when teams play, players should follow the unwritten rules of sport. For example when a player hits a ball off side in netball they should then retrieve it and give it back to other team for their backline or sideline pass. I also think players should either shake hands after a match or at least congratulate the other team. This teaches children to be a good sportsman whether you win or loose, this will also help them in other things they do. Players should applaud good play from their team and their opposition; this creates a friendly atmosphere and should initially avoid confrontation and arguments between two teams. It should also shut down any barriers between two teams. For example, rival schools playing each other. If there is a friendly atmosphere and the team is welcoming. The game will become more relaxed and more social.

When players and teams are involed in a sport they should be encouraged to put in 100% effort irrespective of the sport, their ability or the score of the game. I think that is an important value to have because it will teach them if they put in the effort they will reap the rewards, not just in sport but in anything they do. When older students reach their senior years, I think it is vital that they set a good example. All lower years will look up to senior students or be aware of them. By senior students not using inappropriate language, not arguing with the official, wearing full uniform for a particular sport and always putting in a 100%, this will in some way or eventually rub off on the lower years. This will inevitably makes sports more fun and enjoyable for students and teachers who teach them in your school.

I strongly believe that health and safety in schools is a major issue. The amount of accidents caused from students not wearing appropriate equipment is tremendous. For example when students who play football do not wear shin pads. During the game they are fiercely tackled and therefore suffer and injury because they weren’t protected. To stop these sorts of things from happening you as teachers and educators should enforce the fact that students should attend lesson fully equipped. This will then cause less accidents and the games lesson will be safer. To also make lessons safer, students should be well informed of the rules of the sport they are being taught, because if they are not accidents and arguments will occur. For example a group of students playing netball, they are not aware they you cant run with the ball.

One student runs with the ball and knocks another person over, causing an injury. This could have been prevented if the student was aware of the rules, showing good ethics. Also by informing students of the rules of sports it can cause a better environment for students to work in. If every player knows what they are and aren’t supposed to do, they will not argue with other students or the teacher during the game.

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