Food Diet

Food selections differ around the world because of several reasons or factors which include cultural/ religious factors, economic factors and historical factors. For example in china pregnant mothers are told to avoid cold foods while in African countries like Uganda pregnant mothers are told to avoid eating eggs (Gittelson and Vastine 2008). FACTORS MIGHT INFLUENCE FOOD CHOICES Other factors which affect food choices are ages of people e. g. children, adolescent and adults; stages of particular persons e. g. pregnant or not; and state of persons e. g.

ill, lactating, or postpartum (Gittelson and Vastine 2008). Create a chart of a balanced diet for three days. Day 1 would be with your traditional foods. Day HEALTHY DIET DAY 1: Chinese traditional diet Breakfast: fish and egg Lunch: Mapo Dofu Dinner: Kung Pao Chicken DAY 2: healthy diet Breakfast: fried rice with eggs plus cucumber or lemon yoghourt Lunch: Barbecue flavored Chao Shao dish plus peaches and almonds dessert Dinner: steamed salmon plus silver gold mushrooms salad and Hot/sour soup DAY 3: balanced diet from Kenya Breakfast: milk tea, toast bread, egg and banana fruit.

Lunch: fried beef stew, kales (green vegetables) and chapati. Dinner: fish stew, boiled rice and served with dessert (kachumbari). (Tao. 2008) DISCUSS HOW YOU CAN MAKE HEALTHY EATING CHOICES WHILE EATING OUT. For a healthy eating there are a number of reasons while you should be careful to consider when eating out. These are important because you would like to avoid junk food or food which is unhealthy. So when making any food choices considers the following. It should be balanced diet where you can be able to get the composition of carbohydrates, low fat, proteins, vitamins and roughages.

Example can be a Taiwanese food of fried tofu and eggplant or stir fried pieces of soy rancid beef served with bitter lemon or bruised spicy eggplant. MECHANICAL & CHEMICAL DIGESTION. Mechanical digestion is the break down of food (as like chewing of food) into smaller pieces that can be swallowed without causing change in their composition. Chemical digestion is the breakdown of food particles into chemical compounds with the help of enzymes e. g. in the stomach. DEFINE “ENERGY” AND “CALORIE. ” HOW IS ENERGY CALCULATED AS A FOOD VALUE

Energy is simply defined as ability to overcome opposing force or resistance over a given distance. A calorie is the smallest standard unit for measuring energy. In food it is expressed in terms of joules. This means the expression of energy yield and expenditure of the body calculated as equivalent to1 kg m2/s2 or product of force and distance in 1Newton’s meter. BODY ENERGY REQUIREMENT FOR DIET AND BODY FUNCTION. BASAL METABOLISM It is the energy amount require by the body to perform basic functions like breathing and digestion.

The body of a person requires energy in order to operate minimum vital processes even when at sleep. Thus basal metabolism is a continuous body process in life. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Body physical activities require extra energy such as running, digging, driving swimming or climbing high places. The basal metabolism rate of the body will depend on intensity of the physical exercise. DIETARY THERMOGENESIS This is the energy needed to process meals/ food eaten and makes up 10 percent of energy requirements of the body. CALORIES IN CARBOHYDRATES, LIPIDS, PROTEINS, AND ALCOHOL

Carbohydrates are foods that provide energy to the body. The caloric content of carbohydrates are 4 calories per 1 gram , lipids or fats which are the main source of energy and essential for absorption of fat soluble vitamins produce 7 calories per gram and proteins which are the main structural components of body cells produce 4 calories per gram. Alcohol is considered as a source of energy but produces fewer calories than all because it is not absorbed easily in the small intestines and is fermented in the large intestines by bacteria (USFDA, 2004).

REFERENCE Gittelsohn, J. , & Vastine, E. M. (2008). Social cultural factors. Retrieved April 10, 2008 from: http://jn. nutrition. org/cgi/content/full/133/11/4036S United States Food and Drug Administration. (2004). Text boxes on body mass index. Retrieved April 10, 2004 from: http://www. cfsan. fda. gov/~dms/owg-appb. html Tao. (2008). Tao of balanced diet. Retrieved April 10, 2008 from: http://www. thegreattao. com/html/taoofbalanceddiet. html

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