Poor diet

“Peers influence your life, even if you don’t realize it, just by spending time with you. You learn from them, and they learn from you. It’s only human nature to listen to and learn from other people in your age group.” (bbc.co.uk) There are two type of peer pressure positive and negative and it is negative peer pressure that often pressures people to conform to those around them.

If everyone at a child’s school is eating processed food then that is all the child will want to do because they wont want to be isolated from their peers Being pregnant can mean to some people “eating for two”. During the nine months and the time after if you breastfeed pregnant people have increased nutritional needs. This is because as well as the new mother having to keep herself healthy she has to have enough nutrients for her unborn baby to survive off and she will still have to produce milk for months afterwards.

“Many women have the perception of pregnancy as the sole time during their lives when they don’t have to diet and can eat whatever they want. It’s true that pregnant women need a moderate amount of added calories, but if “eating anything” means eating a high percentage of junk food and sugar-laden desserts, then maybe it’s time to reassess your overall eating habits.” (health.discovery.com) Pregnancy is a time where eating habits change but not all change is a positive change and people that are pregnant should sustain eating a healthy balanced diet so that the mothers body doesn’t feel any negative effects associated with poor diet.

Although it is a common belief that expecting mothers can have food for two, in reality it is only about 200 calories more during the last three months of pregnancy and about 500 calories whilst breast feeding The mother has to do this to give her the extra strength and energy that she needs to carry the baby and the weight of the breast milk. As well as eating more calories pregnant people are recommended to take extra vitamin supplements and eat a diet that has lots of folic acid this is to give the baby the best chance of being healthy and not having problems later in life. During pregnancy women sometimes put on a lot of weight this is sometimes due to lack of knowledge about correct foods to eat.

Food selections differ around the world because of several reasons or factors which include cultural/ religious factors, economic factors and historical factors. For example in china pregnant mothers are told to avoid cold foods while in African countries like Uganda …

Eating to much carbohydrates can be bad for us as it makes us put on weight, it makes us put on weight because it adds more calories to our diet resulting in a positive energy balance meaning we aren’t burning …

Studies and scientific researches have clearly demonstrated that what we eat profoundly affects our growth and development, especially our ability to enjoy life in its fullest sense. Living in modern times, it is easy to indulge in unhealthy diets and …

Identify/Describe/Explain how the components of a balanced diet vary according to the life stages of individuals. The nutritional needs of the human body change at different life stages. To maintain a good health, it’s essential to complete the needs placed on …

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