Fitness test

Make comments to explain the statements/questions in the first column (max 6 marks) Explain the fitness test result(s) you achieved before you started your training programme My pre test was multistage and 1achived level 7. 1 I am not pleased with my results it should have been more. Was your programme at the right level for you? Explain why/why not No it was the right level for me at first. When I did it the first time I thought it was easy. It did not push me, I thought that I had to increase the times. When I did increase it, it pushed me but not too much that I would die.

Were the exercises in the correct order? Explain why/why not. Yes, I did it the correct order, although I did legs, upper body, legs, upper body, upper body, legs and legs I did not want it to be all at the same order. I had to push it so I chose 2 upper body and 2 legs I did manage, it my upper body is strong so I had no problems, for some people I don’t think they could do it the same as me. I started from small muscles to bigger muscles. Explain how you applied the principles of progression/overload. To make progress I did overload in session 3 by increasing the time on 2 exercises.

I increased the skipping and shuttle runs. I increased skipping by 1 min and I increased shuttle runs by 30 secs. I also set targets, I increased 2 rounds each time in shuttle runs and skipping by 20 skips each time. /2 Were the exercises / activities the correct one to choose? Explain why/why not. I chose the correct exercises because some exercises made my body parts stronger. The upper body makes me run better if they are stronger. More efficiently. I chose some exercises that would definitely help me increase my endurance to increase the multistage results.

Steps ups, hurdle jumps and shuttle runs I chose to increase my cardiovascular. I chose the correct exercise/activities because some were for stamina, cardiovascular and upper body muscles. Step ups, hurdle jumps and shuttle runs was all about cardiovascular and stamina. Pull ups, dips, press ups and sit ups are upper body muscles. /2 Performing Make comments to explain the statements/questions in the first column (max 6 marks) Explain how you applied the principles of progression / overload To make progress I did overload in session 3 by increasing the time on 2 exercises.

I increased the skipping and shuttle runs. I increased skipping by 1 min and I increased shuttle runs by 30 secs. I also set targets, I increased 2 rounds each time in shuttle runs and skipping by 20 skips each time. /2 Were the exercises activities the correct ones to choose? Explain why/why not I chose the correct exercise/activities because some were for stamina, cardiovascular and upper body muscles. Step ups, hurdle jumps and shuttle runs was all about cardiovascular and stamina. Pull ups, dips, press ups and sit ups are upper body muscles. /2 Was the programme easy to manage (set up, do, record progress etc)?

It wasn’t too hard to manage, but I found it hard at first to record the heart beat after a while I got used to it and learned to find my pulse easier. It was a bit tiring to do it the morning. I used the beams to do pull ups it took the long time to set up but the mats and benches were the easiest and fastest. I found that the benches and mats are safer to set up and the beams for the pull ups. If the beams are not bolted in probably it could fall down and you would fall down on the ground and the beam will fall on your head. Were the exercises in the correct order? Explain why/why not.

Yes, I did it the correct order, although I did legs, upper body, legs, upper body, upper body, legs and legs I did not want it to be all at the same order. I had to push it so I chose 2 upper body and 2 legs I did manage, it my upper body is strong so I had no problems, for some people I don’t think they could do it the same as me. I started from small muscles to bigger muscles. /2 Did you enjoy it and work to your limit? How do you know? Yes I did enjoy it and I did work to the limit. Sometimes I could not go and further, and also I can see how I worked to my limit because I set up targets.

Make comments to explain the statements/questions in the first column (max 6 marks) Were the exercises activities the correct ones to choose? Explain why/why not Yes, in my opinion i chose the correct exercise because it wasent all about endurance and cardiovascular endurance. It helped me run better the muscle exercise were to help me pump my arms so that they can help me run faster /2 Were the exercises in the correct order? Explain why/why not Yes, I did it the correct order, although I did legs, upper body, legs, upper body, upper body, legs and legs I did not want it to be all at the same order.

I had to push it so I chose 2 upper body and 2 legs I did manage, it my upper body is strong so I had no problems, for some people I don’t think they could do it the same as me. I started from small muscles to bigger muscles. /2 Did you make any changes to your programme? Explain why you did / did not do so. I didn’t change the orders of the programs because I did it the correct order, although I did legs, upper body, legs, upper body, upper body, legs and legs I did not want it to be all at the same order.

I had to push it so I chose 2 upper body and 2 legs I did manage, it my upper body is strong so I had no problems, for some people I don’t think they could do it the same as me. I started from small muscles to bigger muscles. But I added times on 2 exercises because to add overload. To make progress I did overload in session 3 by increasing the time on 2 exercises. I increased the skipping and shuttle runs. I increased skipping by 1 min and I increased shuttle runs by 30 secs. Explain the effects performing had on you in any of the 5 sessions.

Session one was hard because we had it straight after dinner, I felt sick ate too much ice cream. I was full, I could not move so well. I did not have a lot of cramp after each sessions because I did a great warm up and a good stretch so it did not affect me on the next day when I did the other session. /2 Were the results you achieved what you expected? Explain why this was/was not the case Yes, I expected that I would improve my results from the beginning to the end, I got 5 out of 8 improved exercises. So I must have done a good job the one thing that helped me improve was the targets I sat.

The ones where did not improve was the pull ups, sit ups and hurdle jumps. I was not far of. /2 Final Evaluation Make comments to explain the statements/questions in the first column (max 6 marks) Explain the fitness test result(s) you achieved after you finished your training programme. Well I did improve, not a little but a lot. I got 7. 1 before the program and after the program I got 10. 1 which it a big improvement. I had a target to get to level 8, I underestimated myself. I was proud of my self, I never thought I would actually get 10. 1.

My heart beat was 88 after 1 minute after the bleep test, which it almost the same what I got on the last session. I got 89 after all the exercises I did (1 minute after) /2 Was the programme easy to manage (set up, do, record progress etc)? It wasn’t too hard to manage, but I found it hard at first to record the heart beat after a while I got used to it and learned to find my pulse easier. It was a bit tiring to do it the morning. I used the beams to do pull ups it took the long time to set up but the mats and benches were the easiest and fastest. I found that the benches and mats are safer to set up and the beams for the pull ups.

If the beams are not bolted in probably it could fall down and you would fall down on the ground and the beam will fall on your head. /2 Explain what process or improvements you have made as a result of completing the programme. Well I ran 1 mile a week after the bleep test which is a massive improvement. I could never run 1 mile before the programme. I was a sprinter not a long distance runner, but I could now actually run long distances, which I though I would never do. /2 Did you enjoy it and work to your limit? How do you know? Yes I did enjoy it and I did work to the limit.

Sometimes I could not go and further, and also I can see how I worked to my limit because I set up targets, the targets was not too high that I would kill my self but I had to push my self for cardiovascular improvement.. /2 If you were going to continue with the programme what changes would you make? I would add more exercises to challenge my self. Nothing else really because it works you could see that because from 7. 1 to 10. 1 is a big difference I thought I would do worse but no I improved a lot, so no changes except add few more activities to make it challenging I like challenging my self that’s the only way of improvement.

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The aim for my training programme is to gain a V0 max (this is level 10 on the multistage fitness test. ) Also I want to improve the strength within my arm muscles (Biceps brachii, Triceps brachii, middle/anterior/posterior deltoid, Trapezius) …

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