Facility Planning Part 1

A great need for an ambulatory care center exists in my community. As of now most services that can be offered in such a setting are done at the hospital as an outpatient service. That service takes up valuable resources that could be used for the inpatient population if an ambulatory care center existed. The community would be well served by an ambulatory care center that provides much needed services without the hassle of hospital registration and waiting times. The ambulatory care center that would be best is a surgery center.

Patients currently must use valuable surgery space in the community hospital or travel to an ambulatory care center that performs outpatient surgeries. Surgery centers are convenient alternatives to inpatient surgery for those procedures that don’t really require a hospitalization to be completed. Population The population being served is a rural community. The community consists of many people who are underserved in the area of health care. The population of people in my community currently must use hospital resources for things that an ambulatory care center can do or travel to the city to seek such services.

There is a large population of elderly, uninsured, children, and military. The elderly have a hard time traveling to the doctor’s office let alone to a surgery center that is in the city because the service isn’t offered in the community. The uninsured currently rely on an inpatient admission to receive surgical care that could be offered as an outpatient service. The children of the community would be able to receive routine pediatric surgical care in an outpatient setting leaving complex surgeries for the children’s hospital in the city.

We also have a large military base in the community but it only has a small clinic on it. Most care is left up to civilian providers. Many of the people stationed here are without transportation, so a surgery center in the community would be easier to access for these patients. The Facility The facility that I am planning would be the renovation of an existing space in the community hospital. It was previously used as a cancer center and is centrally located in the hospital between services that are frequently used by the operating room.

The space would be easily transformed from the cancer center to an ambulatory surgery center. The space already consists of a large common space that could be transformed into a post-anesthesia area. There are already large rooms that were previously used for immune compromised patients. All plugs and outlets already exist in the space. Lighting would have to be added, equipment purchased that is specific to the operating suite, and a new pre-op holding area would have to be made. There are already restrooms and a large family waiting area in the space.

That area needs a facelift more than anything. There is already space for three operating suites. With minor adaptations, these three spaces can become state of the art operating rooms. Part of the space would need to be turned into a prep area for the surgeon to scrub in and out and gown up for procedures. The surgical suites and prep areas would need to be secured to prevent unauthorized entry. Part of the large open space that was used for infusions would need to be turned into a pre-op holding area.

I think that this area would be best served by curtain partitions instead of walls. The other half of this space would be used as bays for post-op care. The existing nurse’s station would have to be larger to accommodate the amount of nursing staff that would be required for patient care. Part of this space would also need to be converted to a physician dictation area. Along with the added spaces and renovation of existing spaces, we would need to ensure that there is easy access to the surgical suites by the pharmacy, radiology, and central supply departments.

To provide this convenience, there would need to be access to the surgical suites from the service hallway behind the space. These doors would need to be access controlled to keep prevent unwanted entry. Grading Criteria Facility Planning-Part I * Throughout this course, you will be developing a plan for a facility, either new or a renovation. For the first week, you are required to research health care facilities in your area that are either new or are being renovated, and that will help you select your project focus.

Your selections will be limited to an ambulatory care clinic, a clinic within a hospital, such as an emergency room, surgical center, or an OB unit, a family clinic, an outpatient clinic, or a long-term care facility. * Write a 700-1,050 word paper describing your selected facility. Include the following elements: Community or facility need for the building or renovation Type of population you are serving Description of the facility that you have selected * This assignment is due Week One.

Content60 Percent| Points Available6| Points EarnedX/6| Additional Comments:| * Community or facility need for the building or renovation * Type of population you are serving * Description of the facility that you have selected| | | | Organization / Development20 Percent| Points Available2| Points EarnedX/2| Additional Comments:| * Paper is 700 – 1,050 words in length * The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points * The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points| | | | Mechanics 20 Percent| Points Available2| Points EarnedX/2| Additional Comments:|

* The paper—including tables and graphs, headings, title page, and reference page— is consistent with APA formatting guidelines and meets course-level requirements. * Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference page. * Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct| | | | | Total Available| Total Earned| | | 10| | |.

A great need for an ambulatory care center exists in my community. As of now most services that can be offered in such a setting are done at the hospital as an outpatient service. That service takes up valuable resources …

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