Efficient and beneficial training

To solve all three of these things the same drills can be done. Within the run up length cones are set out for each stride. This is the correct stride pattern and gives the bowler a guide as to where they should be speeding up. Having the cones in place means the bowler can’t ‘duck out’ of the run up, therefore keeping it straight. The stride pattern generally helps to keep the rhythm right but if it doesn’t fully correct it the bowler should concentrate on keeping their head going forward.

Secondly, I feel that my coil position can improve. I have analysed my coil and I have a good high coil positioning. The jump is a good height above the stumps allowing a greater force when coming down. This will be correct as long as the rest of the action is correct. However, sometimes the action goes wrong and the head will have a tendency to fall out and the front foot to twist. This will aggravate back problems and make keeping the ball straight and swinging away difficult.

Thirdly, my load also could have been slightly quicker and swift. The load can tend to stray away from the body. It needs to be close into the body close to the chin. This stops the action slipping out. It also tends to stop the head falling out of position if the load is correct. This can be practised with simple repetitions of the action making sure the load is the correct place from walk troughs up to full speed.

Fourthly, my release can defiantly do with improving. This is because I have noticed that I release at the wrong time. It shows the arm too far over the head causing the head to fall out and the back to arch. This has a knock on effect to the landing and the follow through and makes keeping the ball straight very difficult. I should aim to have an improved version of the release point. It is higher above the head, therefore straighter. This puts less pressure on the base of the spine and allows a smoother follow through. The way to practice this so it is correct is the same as the run up, if you keep the head straight it make getting the rest of the action correct easier. The same drill can be used for the practising as the approach. Thus helps to keep the arm in the correct place therefore bringing it over to the correct point of release.

Fifthly, my follow through can stray at times as well. At least once in the over, my analysis shows rotation over the front foot, which leads to falling out and back injury. This means the follow through isn’t straight and causes the ball to either go wide on the off side or to be pushed down leg. On the other hand, I should attempt to lessen the rotation over the front foot and a smoother follow through. It allows a straighter follow through which means the ball goes straighter when released. The follow through is a vital element towards this as if it is left uncorrected it can cause a great deal of injury by falling out. The further the bowler falls out the more they will push the ball down leg side. To correct this error the bowler practices stamping their front foot down in walks through and then pulling it back slightly so that all the body weight goes over the top of the foot and the weight goes in a straight line, keeping the head upright.

Discuss with the player/participant/competitor the result of the 6 weeks practice/ training and record his/her views. In a self-analysis the candidate must discuss his/ her conclusions with a teacher/ coach and note their views/ reactions. The principles of the P.E.P are summed up in a small phrase called ‘FITT’. ‘Fitt’ is the P.E.P summed up in four small categories. These categories break down the P.E.P and make it easier to achieve your targets and how to go about doing that. The 4 categories are:

F- Frequency (of sessions) I – Intensity (how hard/intense) T- Time/ Length (what time of year- maybe offseason) T- Type of Training- (Specificity- correct sport) Frequency — Frequency of my sessions was three times a week with each session lasting up to 30 minute. In each week I would take numerous results and consequently find an average for the week. The average helps a huge amount because it is an easy way to compare my results for analysis.

Intensity — My sessions were not very hard, in each week the actual training time that I had took is about 30 – 40 minutes each week. My first few weeks were not very intense, because I hadn’t worked my action as a whole motion. However, in week six, they became a lot more intense. Timing — The timing of the training periods in terms of the year was not good at all. Firstly, I was off season, so therefore I could not practice in match level if the training is working or not. Week by week I improved my training times as I had more to do and therefore more to perfect. Thus showing I have progressed.

Type –As I have explained before, the type of training that I was doing was specific to my bowling action. Also during I aimed to increase my muscular endurance and overall fitness. I felt that this principle of fitness is the most likely to help me in my sport; cricket. In cricket, you do need strength or flexibility as a bowler. Speed does help but only in the aspect of the run up in bowling. Throughout the whole six week programme, I have linked in every week’s evaluation to ‘Sport’. Commenting about, how specific my training sessions are and how specific it is to the sport/activity that I have chosen.

I think that choosing various techniques of the bowling is specific to cricket because being an opening bowler, you need to conserve some energy to field but more likely to bowl another spell later on in the innings. So, I would need to spare some energy and determination if I would need to bowl a 2nd spell. This is very important in a game because the 2nd spell is very likely to be at the end of the game, which means it is vital for you not to give away any free runs away. This can be prevented by bowling an accurate line and length. Therefore, at the end of the game I hope I won’t be as tired careless to give any freebies away. This is what I have worked on over the six weeks and consequently, making it specific.

I have progressed perfectly well over the 6 weeks by each week making the resistance harder to test my self. Progression is vital during Personal exercise program because if there was no progression then I would be in the same position as I was from the start which is obviously no good. I’ve progressed through my bowling action step by step for a more efficient and beneficial training. Successfully, there was no reversibility during the weeks. I did not need to practice again over my step by step training, however I did not finish the week perfecting the technique. There were no other problems that occurred over the six weeks of training.

The skills and techniques required for an opening bowler in Cricket is the knowledge of the essential rules of the sport. For example, the bowling and fielding rules are compulsory. The bowling run up and action has to be legal …

In the first week I will just be testing my players ability and see where his fitness levels are at, I will tell him to begin each session with a good warm up consisting of jogging/running activities, stretching and some …

Compared to the rest of the class this was just below average, meaning that the ability of my biceps and triceps to work many times without getting tired is slightly less the others in my class. This means that this …

My name is Paul Huggins, I am 15 and I am studying physical education at the Royal Liberty School. I have been asked to make a 6 week training programme to improve a part of my physical life e.g. speed, …

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