Effective training

Agility is an important factor in Basketball. In order to dodge the opposing team, get pass them with little effort etc agility is a necessity. The anaerobic exercise I will be doing to improve my agility is by a Ladder drill. I will improvise a floor ladder by using tape or sticks. The ladder will be flat, 4 meters long with 20 cm squares (400 cm�) and 20 rungs. I will first begin with 2-4 movements going across the ladder placing only one alternative foot in the middle of each square.

This will be repeated for the full length of the ladder, therefore I will have to repeat the whole sequence 5 times. I will then run through the ladder touching both feet in each square. Each week I will increase the number times I do one whole sequence by 10, starting from 50. These patterns should to some extent mimic the movements that I will be undertaking in a Basketball match. In addition, I will try to each week increase the pace at which I complete one full move.

The following shows general guidelines to all the ladder skills that I will apply for an effective training:  Push off from the balls of my feet and not the toes Pump my hands from shoulder height to hips  Keep my elbows at 90 degrees at all times Keep my arms, shoulders and hands relaxed Try to keep my head still as much as possible A high level of stamina is extremely valuable in basketball as well as in nearly all the other physical activities. It mainly contributes to decline in the possibility of being fatigue very quickly. Hence, this will enable me to perform many skills like producing multiples of accurate shots from the beginning until the end, allow me to keep running up and down the court.

I will carry out continuous training, an aerobic training in order to improve my stamina as it keeps the pulse and heart rate at a high level. There are varieties of ways in performing continuous training and I have particularly chosen to do running so as to imitate since I will be running a lot during my chosen sport basketball. I will begin by doing 25 minute runs and gradually build up in which an additional five minutes to be supplemented every week. Thus within the last week of this 6 weeks programme, I will be running for 50 minutes continuously. I will also try to increase the pace each week.

My training zone will be between 60-90% of my maximum heart rate. The following is the formula deployed to find out my particular zone: 220- my age (16) = 204 maximum heart rate. 2.04 * 60= 122.4 2.04 * 90= 183.6 Therefore, I should be working within these 122.4-183.6 zones. PLANNING 4. Use of Principles of Training Specificity- The precise training I have chosen are suitable in every way to the two fitness components I am hoping to develop on. I am well conscious of the two factors in which individuals will respond differently to the same methods and each activity will have different, and specific, demands.

Progression- As I progress through the programme I must increase the stress I put in my body in an attempt to improve essentially. However, these supplementary stresses I put in must be steadily increased since my body will only alter gradually, according to the amplified stress I put in. For e.g. for my muscular endurance I will each week run an additional five minute more than the previous one. This also avoids injuries in muscles because too much is not done.

I am also well aware of the ‘plateauing’ effect. Overload- To actually improve, I must extend my capacity by means of augmenting the workload in which my body will responsively adjust to it. This system comprises three crucial methods: Reversibility- This is the opposite of progression in which you lose the effect from all your training. Therefore, to evade it I will ensure that I follow the programme I have planned so I know exactly what I am doing. I will acknowledge all the safety measures and will note go on holiday or abuse drugs. Nonetheless, I am also conscious of the fact that I cannot always control this factor.

Tedium- To avoid tediousness I will try different things, such as running somewhere else not just around the football pitch, do my running and ladder drill while listening to some music. I will vary my programme. Frequency- This is solely to do with increasing the frequency of a skill in a given time of each training. I will increase the number of times I do a complete sequence for my agility each week. Intensity- This is merely just working harder upon the training method. Therefore, for my agility, I would perform patterns that are more complex each week and with running, I would increase my pace steadily each week. I will be training within my training zone 122.4-183.6. I must not work above or below this specific training zone that is suited to me. Time- This is solely to do with lengthening the time of each training. Thus, each week I would spend longer on the training than the previous week.

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The aim of this 6 week programme was to improve my agility and stamina. These were chosen in particular, as it seemed to be the crucial components acquired for basketball. For Agility, I undertook the ‘Illinois Run Test’ and I …

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