Drugs and medication

Remaining calm: For a paramedic to remain calm is very important this is because paramedics often get involved into difficult and stressful situations involving injured patients on their daily job routine. For example there is a road accident and a paramedic arrives there and because of so much going on around him he needs to remain calm to deal with the problem as quick as possible. Responsible: A paramedic must always be responsible for every action he takes this is because they often give drugs and medication to their patients and must not make their patients life at more risk, an example is when a paramedic gives a wrong type of medication to a patient this could have bad side effects to the patient and may cause death which then has an impact on the paramedic.

Caring: A paramedic needs to have care for their patients this is because accidents often include major road accidents, so paramedics need to be cautious as sometimes patients go through a hard stage of pain. For example someone who has been involved in a road accident a paramedic needs to take care of the patient in a way that it he/she will not cause more pain to the patient. Understanding: Paramedics need to be understanding and clear this is because patients can go through hard time during accidents, so that the patient can feel free to say anything they want. And example would be a patient trying to express something to the paramedic when being treating for the injuries.

Kind: A paramedic needs to be kind as an injured patient is more likely to need allot of help that may be important. This will also make the patient that is injured feel more comfortable. And example is an injured patient that needs help with lifting up to get into an ambulance van, so the paramedic needs to be kind when lifting up the patient not shouting at them. There are many different workplaces for a paramedic. They work in more than just a hospital or a surgery centre. Paramedics have other workplaces such as working on the street this is because many injuries and accidents often occur on roads and streets.

”Many paramedics work in NHS ambulance service trusts across the UK. Including evenings and weekends, going out in all weathers at all hours of the night or day. They work closely with doctors and nurses in hospital accident and emergency departments, briefing them as they hand their patient over to their care” When a paramedic hands their patient over to the hospital for further care they pass on information so that they know what has happened during the accident. They give information such as medication or drugs that the patient was given. This is so that the doctors know what the patient has taken before they go onto further treatment. Another type of Information that may be passed on is vital signs.

Paramedics also work in rapid response units to deal with medical emergencies this may include travelling in a car or an air unit, the workplace is fitted with everything the paramedic may need it also is safe for any emergency purposes. This makes it easier for the paramedics who work and also making it safer and stress free. Some of the procedures that can be performed in this workplace are: Responding to 999 calls: In this procedure paramedics answer emergency calls and evaluate which patients need attention first by following the triage rule, for example a person with a broken leg and another person with a cut, the person with the broken leg will be treated first because his injury is more severe than the person with the cut.

Making quick decisions and assessing patients condition: when a paramedic is called over to a scene or an accident or emergency they need to make quick decisions because they are putting the patient’s life in danger if they don’t then …

Going to the scene: heading to the scene as quickly and safely as possible to treat and the help the patient in need without endangering the patient’s life further this would mean the paramedics need to be safe and at …

A paramedic is a medical professional who provides pre-hospital medical care in the field mostly in terms of emergencies. They assess the patient’s conditions and then administer the essential treatment. In other words, a health care provider with good understanding …

Paramedic Essay Paramedic’s takes hard work and patience, people say it’s not easy becoming a paramedic you need the right education and you must acquire a specific skill. A paramedic makes a good amount of money enough to pay the …

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