Drink alcohol

The most common drug among the youth today is alcohol and tobacco. Although preventive measures have been taken there still seems to be no decline in drug abuse. This paper will attempt to develop a prevention program using empirically based strategies targeting the school going population (adolescent and young adults). These strategies are environmental and are specifically designed to curb the use of alcohol and tobacco. Target locations include schools and retail outlets. Even though drinking is illegal under the age of 21, it is very common among the youth between the age of 12 and 20 to drink alcohol (Focus Adolescent Services, 2010).

The average age for Americans to start drinking regularly is 15. 9 years (Focus Adolescent Services, 2010). More than 5000 deaths of Americans under the age of 21 are linked to drinking (Focus Adolescent Services, 2010). Alcohol abuse in youth causes serious problems socially, legally, and medically (Patrick M. O’Malley, 1998). Before developing a prevention strategy we must first find out what is causing such a problem. Studies reveal that 12th graders usually drink alcohol for pleasure (Patrick M. O’Malley, 1998). Another common reason was of curiosity of its effects (Patrick M. O’Malley, 1998).

Studies also show that the use and abuse of alcohol and the problems cased because of it have increased (Patrick M. O’Malley, 1998). It is generally held that attitudes and beliefs shape all behaviours including alcohol related. Media exposure has a great effect on our attitudes and beliefs. Especially youth is more likely to be inspired by it. Studies have shown that hard liquor advertisements increase in magazines with increasing youth readership (Harrison, 2009). Children who are exposed to these advertisements express their intentions to drink regularly as adults than those children who are not aware of these advertisements.

This shows that the industry is targeting youth to make sure that they buy their products regularly as adults. Although measures have been taken to advertise responsibility ads the ratio of ads which encourage drinking is much higher than the responsibility ads. The marketing of alcohol and tobacco seems to be one of the main reasons for alcohol abuse among the youth. Environmental approaches so far have proved to be the most effective strategy to prevent alcohol abuse. Efforts should be made to improve and implement these strategies and yield better results.

Studies indicate that increase in tax on tobacco and alcohol reduces their use and the problems which they cause (Harrison, 2009). Unfortunately, the government could not implement it for long and was defeated by the tobacco industry. Government has failed to increase tax on drugs over the past years (Harrison, 2009). Environmental strategies consist of three main components: community norms, availability of substances and local regulations (Wisconsin Clearinghouse, 2010). In order to create the most effective prevention program, all three of these components need to be considered (Wisconsin Clearinghouse, 2010).

First, the community norms should be moulded in such a way that they discourage drug abuse. But it’s not as simple as it sounds since a lot of money is spent in promoting these drugs and it is not possible …

Teenage alcohol and tobacco abuse is one of the most predominant problems faced in America. Its devastating effects on the American youth has plagued America for over 50 years. Once considered an unharmful fad, alcohol and tobacco use has increased …

The above table corroborates that Whites tops the list of teenage drinking. Government should take initiatives to educate particularly among whites about the evils of drinking. How the health issue can present itself in the classroom and/or at home? If …

Nowadays, it is very amusing that not only the adults are into drinking but surprisingly, teenagers or youngsters are already exposed to it and unfortunately become alcoholic in a very young age. There are about 74% of youngsters who try …

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