Use of Alcohol

Nowadays, it is very amusing that not only the adults are into drinking but surprisingly, teenagers or youngsters are already exposed to it and unfortunately become alcoholic in a very young age. There are about 74% of youngsters who try alcohol drinking more often (see Facts about underage drinking and statistics on teen drinking). Drinking alcohol beverages with moderation is advisable but excessive drinking is not. Based on my understanding, experienced, and my personal research, alcoholism is a serious public health problem.

It afflicts millions of people, including adults and teenagers from all types of social groups. Why people become alcoholics is not clearly understood; alcoholism can stem from emotional immaturity, insecurity, nervous tension, loneliness, or depression. Physiological causes of alcoholism, if any, have not been determined. Physicians generally consider alcoholism an addiction. Personally, I occasionally take alcoholic beverages and it usually happens when I attend to parties or any special occasions but I drink moderately because I don’t want alcohol rule my life but I want to be the ruler of myself.

The way I see it, too much drinking can affect many organs and systems of the body. It irritates the lining of the stomach and pancreas, causing inflammation, tenderness, and ulcerlike lesions. I have read to some articles too that heavy consumption of alcohol inhibits the absorption of proteins, nutrients, and vitamins from the small intestine and this can cause chronic malnutrition. I do not want these things happen to me. Usually, students like me tend to engage in alcohol drinking for unwinding and sometimes for socialization.

It sometimes or in most cases it becomes the centered recreation of people at USCB because it is their way of releasing stress from their hard work at school or from their jobs. Others respond that they drink because of problems at home and some inevitable dilemmas they encounter at school and office work. In conclusion, drinking alcohol becomes the centered recreation at USCB because it is a way of releasing stress and sometimes, peer also influence the individual so he engages to this kind of activity. Others may use this kind of method to regain their energy and strength after they have a long day from school or work.

For many people, alcoholism has become a major battle. Many have discovered the great stronghold that alcohol has on their lives and has quickly realized that it is not an easy task at all to stop drinking on their own. …

The positive effects of drinking alcoholic beverages is often associated with moderate drinking. The definition of moderate drinking is said to be complex because its definition may differ from one person to another. But most of the time moderate drinking …

Alcohol is one of the well known drugs that has been around for years. It is already a part of the human civilizations connoting pleasure and sociability. Manufacturing of products containing alcohol gave boost in the business industry. It is …

The above table corroborates that Whites tops the list of teenage drinking. Government should take initiatives to educate particularly among whites about the evils of drinking. How the health issue can present itself in the classroom and/or at home? If …

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