Alcohol Abuse

The above table corroborates that Whites tops the list of teenage drinking. Government should take initiatives to educate particularly among whites about the evils of drinking. How the health issue can present itself in the classroom and/or at home? If a fellow student is alcoholic, his colleagues may witness that he turns to be a poor scorer, frequent abstainer, may have some serious health problems. Parents may be worried over their wards binge drinking as it may affect his or her future.

Further, parents may be worried over the irate behavior, stealing habits and deteriorating health of their wards. School or college teachers should educate their students about the dangers of binge drinking. Many research studies unravel that children who are vulnerable to family violence and if their parents are alcoholic, then children may be indulged in binge drinking. Hence, parents should see that their behavior does not push their wards to become an addict to alcohol. National agencies that are fighting against teenage drinking:

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. [NIAAA]. www. niaaa. nih. gov National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 5635, Fishers Lane, MSC, 9304, Bethesda, MD, 20892. Phone No: 301-443-3860 E-mail address- niaaweeb-r@exchange-nih. gov 2. www. child. net/drugalc. htm – a U. S. National Children’s Coalition –Alcohol and other drug information for teens. A. A. World Services, Inc P. O Box 459, New York -10163 Phone – [212] 870-3400 E-mail- :lindenberger@centurytel. net How binge drinking evils can be integrated into curriculum syllabus?

Evils due to binge drinking can be integrated into science subject by enumerating how drinking affect the decision making power of the mind and how unsafe sex with drinking makes one to contract HIV or sexually transmitted diseases and also how binge drinking causes cirrhosis due to damage in the liver of an individual.


Barbara Mantel. [2006]. Drinking in Campus. CQ Researcher, Vol. 16 [28]. Cristol, Hope. [J2002]. Teen drinking is on the rise: report blames parents, peers, media and the alcohol industry. The Futurist. Diane M. Morrison, Mary Rogers Gilmore et al. [2003].

Adolescent Drinking and Sex, Perspective on Sexual and Reproductive Health, Vol, 35[4], p. 162-168. Henry Wechsler, PhD and Bernice Wuethrich. [2007]. Preface to Effects of Teenage Drinking. Contemporary Issues Companion: Teen Alcohol Abuse. Joseph Tardiff. Detroit: Green haven Press, Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Kenneth Jost. [2007]. Gun Violence. Are strong measures needed to protect society? CQ Researcher, Volume 17 [20]. Schinke SP, Fang L and Cole KC, [April 11, 2008]. Substance Abuse among early adolescent girls :risk and protective factors. J Adolesc Health, 43[2]. p. 191-194.

There are a number of studies identifying the specific factors that contribute to teens’ abuse of alcohol. These factors range from race or ethnicity up to methods of access to the alcohol. The prior studies have identified some of these …

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In China, the history of drug abuse can be traced on the use of opium which caused the war between China and Great Britain. Truly, opium was the most abused drug during those times. However, over the years, other kinds …

There have been cases where athletes have either entered desperation or negligence to degrees where they have compromised the sanctity of sport and their own health in the process. Cases such as those in which athletes have chosen to opt …

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