Degree in sport and exercise science

All of my life I have had an immense passion for sport, being expressed in multiple contexts, beginning with playing and subsequently developing into studying and teaching. This passion has been a key factor in the significant decisions in my life. Pierre de Coubertin once stated “If he is knocked out of the competition, he encourages his brothers with his words and presence.” Upon hearing this quote, I was filled with vast emotion as I could utterly associate with what the creator of the modern Olympics was trying to convey. I wish to aim my focus toward helping others achieve their goals and dreams in sport. I have great motivation to become a successful sports coach as nothing would compare to the self satisfaction that would be accomplish through helping an athlete to the top of their sport.

Becoming a sports coach is my ultimate dream for this very reason, and on further research it has broaden both my knowledge of the profession and consequently my enthusasmuin. I also realized that a degree in sport and exercise science would be a suitable degree choice for my desired career choice, as the course incorporates a exceptionally diverse syllabus enabling me to enhance my sporting knowledge. It also combines a sports psychology unit which intensely interests me, and will make me a more desirable prospective employee as in modern day sport, a sport psychologists is now an integral part of every athlete’s and sports teams training staff. And with Great Britain’s quest for the Olympics being successful sports coaches will be in great demand, as Britain aim for gold.

I have been an eager participates in football since I was six years old, competing on school to county level, and captained my local side to the county cup final, which we later went on to win. I’ve been a regular in the schools first XI for the past six years and represented the county side on multiple occasions. I have also partaken in the school rugby team since I started secondary school. When I was young I won numerous trophies for boxing, I believe that both boxing and rugby have enabled me to stay composed, organised and also taught me about self control under pressure. After competing in sports from football to boxing I think this has given me a good sporting knowledge and widen my verity of skills thus giving me a good foundation for my desired career. Also the skill I’ve acquired; leadership from being a football captain or teamwork in rugby would enable me to have both the confidence and ability to combat any task sporting or otherwise.

In the past year I have completed a sports leader’s award which I thoroughly enjoy, teaching both younger and older children, which just reinforced that a coaching career is perfectly suited to me, in any capacity. I have previously attended a Manchester united football academy, in which I was trained by the first team coaches which inspired me enormously. I the head coach for some advice and I am now hoping in the next year to complete a first aid course and my three UEFA coaching certificates. I also recently attend a step into sport seminar, and I am now assisting coach my five year old brother football team.

In my spare time I enjoy nothing more than to express my creative side, through my seconded passion which is music. I continuously listen, produce and mix music, I DJ a verity of music and I am very open mind to all music from different cultures and backgrounds. I have on numerous occasion help younger artists in the right direction, either giving them advice on how to improve or promoting their music. A Sports science will enable my to develop my interest in sport along much broader lines and give me the chance to pursue my dream career, and help me get to the pinnacle of the profession. And with the long road to the Olympic just being, hopefully I can facilitate Britain in the hunt for medals.

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Boxing has been around for almost 6,000 years. When boxing was first invented it was a type of sport where the athletes sat on a rock and hit each other until one of them was knocked out. Boxing in the …

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