Boxing an entertaining sport

Is boxing an entertaining sport, or is it a violent slaughter match between two men. When watching boxing either beside the ring or at home on TV, it looks safe, or so you think. Every year at least one boxer gets very badly injured. Some even get brain damage, and in extreme cases some have died. We at ‘Sport on five’ call for a ban on boxing. Some people don’t realise, but boxing is actually two men going out to beat each other up. Boxers main aims are to go out into the ring and so badly hurt their opponent that they fall to the ground and can’t get back up again. It’s a horrible thought, I know. They try and hit their opponent’s most vulnerable points, which is also their most delicate points, for example their heads. Which can lead to brain damage.

If you were to look at the other sides view, you could say that boxers know their own risk, but that’s not good enough. Some people have grown up and all they know is boxing. Boxing is their life. If the sport of Boxing weren’t around then they wouldn’t grow up and be part of that sport, they might get involved in something like soccer or rugby. Then maybe they wouldn’t get so badly hurt, and ruin their lives.

You could say that there is other sports were you can get injured, but boxing is the only one were the two opponents actually go out to hurt each other. Boxing is a sport, which is fixed a lot of the time, and men are spending at least �10,000 for a ringside seat, in big matches, and they are over in less than five minutes. It’s all a scarce. Although boxing can entail a lot of money toward boxers, and it can be entertaining, it is wrong to humanity. The thought of two human beings hit other humans as hard as they do is just wrong.

So I beg you please, join us at ‘Sport on Five’ to ban the slaughtering sport of Boxing. We all know the consequences of this horrible sport. If you want to join us in this campaign, just call us at 07761367001. We will take your name and address and when we have enough people, we will bring this up with the European Union in Brussels. If you make the call, boxing will fall.

A local newspaper is asking for readers opinions on the subject. Write your contribution discussing both sides of the argument I am writing this essay on whether or not boxing should or should not be banned, I will write in support …

Even though I have discussed reason not to ban boxing there are many reasons why boxing is unfit to continue as a professional sport. Firstly, the sport is intensity violent. the American Medical Association (AMA) states that since 1940 three …

Boxing has been around for almost 6,000 years. When boxing was first invented it was a type of sport where the athletes sat on a rock and hit each other until one of them was knocked out. Boxing in the …

Boxing is a sport with history dating back many centuries ago. Right back to the days of bare-knuckle boxing and barnyard fights. Boxing can be defined as a sport that is merely a legalised way of beating-up another person. It …

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