Body lies in hospital

Even though I have discussed reason not to ban boxing there are many reasons why boxing is unfit to continue as a professional sport. Firstly, the sport is intensity violent. the American Medical Association (AMA) states that since 1940 three hundred professional boxers have died as a result of accidents caused in the ring, this portrays the sport as one of hate, malice and excruciating pain. The British medical Association (BMA) represents 84% of British doctors and they believe boxing should be banned because of the threat to brain and eye injuries. If this argument was based on safety on medical grounds, it would surely be already banned.

The main aim of boxing is to knock the other boxer out as this is the fastest way to win, this is barbaric. To win any sport by knocking someone out is the most likely way to inflict damage to the brain. The violence inflicted by boxing matches is deliberate whereas with sports like rugby and show jumping the injuries are not meant to happen they are accidental. Further more, the sport give a poor impression to young children, even though most matches are shown after 9 o’clock, most children have television set in their bedrooms so still have access to the sport. The sport provokes violence in impressionable young people, especially boys, causing them to think fighting is acceptable in society. Most boxers are aggressive juveniles.

Another reason boxing should be banned is that boxers train not only to hurt each other but to show no mercy. These boxers actually enjoy inflicting harm on others. If a member of the public inflicted such harm on another Person they would be punished not praised. The sport also encourages gabbling, forcing people against each other casing more violence. This sport brings out the worst in spectators with them chanting horrific things such as “kill him”.

Even though it is said that boxing rules have been improved the fight between Spencer Oliver and his opponent disproves this. Oliver was looking “weak and drained” but still the fight continued. After falling to the canvas looking like ” a scared young child seeking solace” he later became unconscious. This happened mainly because his opponent was at the top of his weight category were as Oliver was only there by a few pounds. A writer, Niall Hickman, states boxing ” I or anyone say to defend it while yet another young body lies in hospital”. more quotes from the Daily Express (summer 2004) against boxing are, referring to Amir khan’s Olympic fight are ” his opponent had been demolished.” the word demolished suggest that the opponent has been completely destroyed. From this is there much hope in boxing surviving.


I have decided to support boxing, even though the sport causes many injuries it is still the boxers’ freedom of choice whether or not to box and the audiences’ choice to watch. If it were to be banned it would cause protest as with fox hunting, it would still go on even If it were banned. Further more there are more positives to come from boxing than negatives. Boxers to that to participate in the sport means to get hurt . I strongly believe that it is the boxers choice , they know the risks. If a person wants to box it should be completely their own personal choice to decide what career they pursue. If people disagree with the sport then to participate in any area to do with the sport.

Is boxing an entertaining sport, or is it a violent slaughter match between two men. When watching boxing either beside the ring or at home on TV, it looks safe, or so you think. Every year at least one boxer gets …

In boxing you must score as many points as you can by hitting your opponent in the body or on the head as much as you can and also to block yourself from getting hit. But many non-boxing supporters continue …

A local newspaper is asking for readers opinions on the subject. Write your contribution discussing both sides of the argument I am writing this essay on whether or not boxing should or should not be banned, I will write in support …

Boxing is a sport with history dating back many centuries ago. Right back to the days of bare-knuckle boxing and barnyard fights. Boxing can be defined as a sport that is merely a legalised way of beating-up another person. It …

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