Debate Essay on Universal Healthcare

Due to the problems and inadequacy of the current health system, a plan for implementing a form of universal healthcare in the United States was made by President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden (Obama & Biden, 2009). In general, the universal healthcare plan, if made into reality, will benefit all sorts of individuals, including children, the working public, and the elderly. In addition to this, changes will be made upon the information gathering or database system utilized in healthcare facilities in order to provide efficient processing of healthcare information (Obama & Biden, 2009).

The reason behind this is that in general, the current healthcare system has been lacking in terms of effectiveness. In addition, the shortcomings of the current healthcare system are further magnified due to the economic problem, thus leading to healthcare-related financial problems (Obama & Biden, 2009). The reliance upon insurance companies to provide quality healthcare may no longer be needed in the same way as it is now. In fact, insurance companies may lower their rates upon the establishment of a universal healthcare program due to increased market stimulation (Obama & Biden, 2009).

The government views the need for such a change in the healthcare system to be rather immediate. Hence, they are aiming for the universal healthcare plan to be actualized as soon as possible in the form of a single payer system. In fact, they intend to make the plan into reality before the current year ends (Obama & Biden, 2009). There are numerous reasons as to why the universal healthcare plan will work. For one, as discussed earlier, it has been completely designed in consideration of the current limitations of the healthcare system and the general economic status of America.

Hence, there is no way that the previous healthcare system will be better in the end. Another reason as to why this will work is that it is clear that the administration is determined to make it work in the best possible manner. Therefore, they are generally willing to consider specific adjustments and changes in order for the plan to function. Also, given that there are numerous bankruptcies recorded throughout the country in relation to healthcare expenses, the universal healthcare system will definitely alleviate and reduce such problems (Obama & Biden, 2009).

Public support is also considerably high thus there are no real problems of immediate negative reactions from the general population (Battista & McCabe, n. d. ). However, pointing out several arguments against it, everyone is not necessarily optimistic about the feasibility of implementing such a plan. Nevertheless, these antagonistic arguments or negative claims can be proven to be false or unsubstantiated. One main group that generally views the universal healthcare plan as problematic ironically consists of healthcare professionals.

In fact, as determined through a recent survey, there is an evident presence of skepticism among healthcare professionals. In addition to this, most of the healthcare professionals were even foreseeing the future of healthcare in general through a very pessimistic sense (McGourty, 2009). The general issue that caused such a negative point of view is budget allocation, pointing out that since the economic crisis continues its effects, then it is impossible to come up with enough funds to fully support the actualization of the universal healthcare plan.

This is easily debunked as President Obama has taken this factor into consideration. In fact, it was never a question of having enough funds as the budget is considerably malleable. In the proposal, the budget for healthcare will become the …

USA is the only country which has not implemented universal healthcare plan for its citizens. Nowadays, many non industrialized nations have also started adopting it. At present few special underprivileged pockets of the population like the elderly people, poor section, …

The recent article in New York Times regarding Universal Healthcare entitled, “Candidates Outline Ideas for Universal Healthcare” ensures that the political parties gear up for the change in the healthcare history by providing health insurance to all the country’s Americans. …

Universal healthcare has always been a hot debate point for policymakers for the past decades. Various arguments have already been laid out in favor of and in opposition to the concept of a government run, single-payer system. Fore example, in …

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