Circuit and Fartlek Training

I have decided to use Fartlek training and a specific Circuit for my training programme because I feel that these methods of training will improve the necessary muscles, improve suppleness in the appropriate areas and the correct principals of fitness. I found in my research that Fartlek training manages to improve my fitness and possibly my skill, while almost simulating a game situation due to the sections of different pace and intensity. Using specific tennis related exercises, Fartlek training could be used to improve aerobic, anaerobic fitness or even skill.

For my Fartlek training I am going to use exercises specific to tennis. For example bouncing the ball on the racquet, which can also be thought of as a rest period. This exercise is simple and can be done standing on the spot. If this is to easy then the exercise can be made harder by using the backhand grip and even alternating between the two. This may also stop me getting bored of the exercise. This is what my overall Fartlek training will consist of. Jogging Sprinting Bouncing Ball Sprinting Walking I may increase the times over the six-week period I could improve aerobic, anaerobic fitness. Also due to the ball control, my grip and coordination.

The sprinting and jogging sections will improve the quadriceps and hamstrings as well as aerobic and anaerobic fitness. The second method of training I am using is a tennis specific circuit which uses different stations to improve the principles of fitness used in tennis. This is my circuit 1. At this station I am going to do shuttle runs for one minute. This will get my respiratory system going which will get the blood to my muscles in preparation for exercise. 2. At this station I will be doing an exercise where I throw a ball against a wall from a set distance and catch it with the opposite hand. I will do as many as I can in a minute and try to improve next time. This will improve my coordination and reflexes.

3. At this station I will do press ups, as many as I can in a minute. This will improve strength in my arms. 4. As I have used my arms in the previous exercise, I will concentrate on my legs. I will do squats for a minute and then try and beat it next time. Squats should improve strength in my quadriceps, hamstring and gastrocnemius and might even improve flexibility. 5. At this station I will have a rest period, which will allow my respiratory and heart rate to decrease. 6. For the next exercise I will hit a ball against a wall for a minute. To make it more interesting I will take a step forward every 10 and take a step back every time the ball touches the floor. This will improve my accuracy and reflexes.

7. At this station I will do sit-ups for a minute. Recording the amount and trying to beat it next time. 8. At this station I will be doing as many repetitions as I can with a medium weight. I will be doing simple bicep curls. This should improve strength greatly in my arms. 9. At this station I will be doing step-ups for a minute. This should improve strength in my quadriceps, hamstrings and gastrocnemius. 10. At this station I will do an exercise lasting a minute, which involves running from one line to one point to the right on another line. When I get to the line I will play a forehand drive and then run back to the starting line. Then I will run to the left and play a backhand drive before running back to the start. This will improve aerobic fitness and will also improve my reach. If I am finding any of the exercises too easy or too hard I may later change the amount of time or the order of the exercises and perhaps change one of the exercises.

I have decided to design and use a fitness programme that is specific for tennis. I designed this as a circuit-training programme. Before I began my training I decided that I would measure my fitness level by performing a bleep …

Fartlek training involves varying the speed and intensity at which you walk or run and over which terrain you train. A Fartlek session usually lasts for at least 30 minutes. Fartlek training is used to improve aerobic and anaerobic fitness …

Fartlek training was developed in Sweden. The word means speed play and the method involves many changes of speed. You can use it to improve both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. You can adapt it for running, cycling, skiing and …

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