Fartlek Training

Fartlek training was developed in Sweden. The word means speed play and the method involves many changes of speed. You can use it to improve both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. You can adapt it for running, cycling, skiing and other activities. Fartlek running sessions are very good for games players, since games have many changes of speed. Change the mix of fast and slow work to suit your sport and the energy system you want to work on. To overload, increase the time or speed for each activity or choose more difficult ground. For example run uphill or through sand Fartlek has some disadvantages: The athletes decide on the speed, coaches can’t decide whether the athlete is going to his full potential.

It needs a lot of motivation to work at maximum speed, so it is easy to drop the effort. Interval Training: In interval training you follow a fixed pattern of fast work followed by slow work or rest. The jogging is to help remove lactic acid. The two minute rest is to allow full recovery. You can tell by your heart rate if you have recovered. As you get fitter you can overload by: Increasing the number of reps or sets or both Reducing the time for slow work Reducing the rest time between sets. There is no point increasing the distance, since you are practicing acceleration. By about 30 meters you are already at full running speed.

Note these things about interval training: You can use it for either aerobic training or aerobic work, depending on the distance and the number and length of the intervals. You can use it for other activities such as cycling or swimming. It does cause pain so you need high motivation to keep going. Since there is a set pattern it is easy to tell is someone is giving up. Circuit Training This is a good way to organize your muscles or skill training. A circuit usually has 8 to 15 stations. You do a different exercise at each station, e.g. 1: step ups 2: sit ups 3: press ups 4: squats, 5: pull ups, 6: ski-jumps, 7: dorsal raises, 8: short sprints.

You normally spend a set amount of time on eacha ctivity (from 20- 30 seconds). You can overload by increasing the time spent on each exercise, try to do more repetitions in the time limit or by doing the circuit more times. When designing a circuit make sure that you change muscle groups between each activity to delay fatigue. Advantages Can be adapted to use free weights or body weight. Can be adapted to shorter or longer bursts of work (aerobic or anaerobic). Can be adapted to concentrate on certain muscle groups. Can be adapted to work on skills. Aerobics

Aerobics classes are a popular way to improve fitness. You do exercises for every part of the body. You work at a pace that keeps your heart in the aerobic training zone. You work in time to music, which makes it fun. Jumping and stamping can jar your bones and damage your joints. To avoid this, work on a sprung hardwood floor or soft mat. Or else choose low impact aerobics.Throughout the summer holidays I found it quite hard to find places in which I could run. This is due to the fact that I was up in cottage country in Canada with no road access and no decent clear space to run. Even though I was up at my cottage I was able to go down to the city to complete the pep training plan. It has brought my cardiovascular system past limits I never knew I could exceed. Now I will have to maintain my cardiovascular fitness here in Hong Kong. My strength particularly in my upper body has become overwhelming to me. I progressed through the weight lifting that I have planned.

Evaluation I could have put more emphasis on the skill of tennis and the actual playing of the game. This would have definitely improved my skill fitness. Next time I am away from the country and plan to do some training I may want to be able to vary the different sessions, so instead of doing running for my cardiovascular system I can swim. This would definitely have made training up in cottage country in Canada easier to do.

I have decided to use Fartlek training and a specific Circuit for my training programme because I feel that these methods of training will improve the necessary muscles, improve suppleness in the appropriate areas and the correct principals of fitness. I …

This method of training improves aerobic endurance, if the person involved keeps within their aerobic training zone. It involves exercising for at least 30 minutes with no stop. The nature of the training means that a lot of motivation is …

A training programme can be used to improve general fitness and skill in a sport. The training programme can be adapted to suit the user. Using the programme over a period of time will increase the fitness of the user. …

Fartlek training involves varying the speed and intensity at which you walk or run and over which terrain you train. A Fartlek session usually lasts for at least 30 minutes. Fartlek training is used to improve aerobic and anaerobic fitness …

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