Business Plan Topic

In this paper, I will answer the questions listed in Chapter 24, Exhibit 24-2 “Basic Information for the Service or Equipment Description” as they pertain to your selected business. These questions will include : What the service specifically provides, Why this service is different and/or special, What the equipment specifically does, Why this equipment is different and/or special, Required training, if applicable, Regulatory requirements and/or impact, if any Courtesy of Baker and Baker, Dallas, Texas. The investment company, seeking funding/financing for a type of health care business that I chose, would be a Hospital or Clinic.

A hospital has many services where they perform procedures on many patients for all different types of reasons. And the services that are specifically provided by a hospital or a Clinic would include: Emergency care, Maternity, Nursing, Surgery, pharmacy, and other specialties. “Most hospitals provide emergency care for traumas and other serious conditions. Emergency room staffs are prepared to provide triage and stabilize patients until they can be moved to a room or treated and released,” (Ray, 2009). The maternity Ward is where hospitals provide maternity care.

This part of the hospital provides rooms to mothers so that they can give birth, nurse their babies, and help with recovery. And hospitals staff the largest number of nurses that work all over the hospital. These nurses work aside doctors and provide patients with care to help them recover. A hospital is able to provide patients with care for so many different medical reasons, so having the proper equipment for surgeries such as transplants, heart surgeries, and or repairing broken bones. “Hospitals provide pharmacy services that supply patients with medications as prescribed.

In addition to providing inpatients with medicine, many hospital pharmacies can fill prescriptions for patients as they leave,” (Ray, 2009). Hospitals also provide specialty services. These services may include: cancer centers or rehabilitation units. Now I will explain why this service is different and/or special, What the equipment specifically does “Hospitals offer a variety of services that mainly cover inpatient procedures that require overnight stays or outpatient operations that require anesthesia or use of expensive diagnostic and surgical equipment,” (Ray, 2009).

In my opinion, this explains both questions. And a hospitals equipment is different and/or special because it is a place where people know they can get their care needs meet. The equipment is also different and special because it suitable for all people. This include patient of all ages. Some of hospitals special equipment would be an EKG machine and Sonar. These are just two different and special types of equipment that a hospital has, to help a patient to recover. Regulatory requirements and/or impact, if any Courtesy of Baker and Baker, Dallas, Texas.

“The National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB’s) 1991 decision to recognize eight bargaining units of hospital employees as eligible for union representation and the Supreme Court rulings upholding that decision created an unprecedented level of speculation within the healthcare industry. Prior to this, the NLRB had recognized three bargaining units. Healthcare executives speculated that the NLRB decision would cause union activity to proliferate unchecked because of the group dynamics of the narrowly defined bargaining units (Burda 1993; Hospitals & Health Networks 1993; Gullett and Kroll 1990).

The fear on the part of executives in the healthcare industry of a proliferation of union activity was grounded in various studies showing that smaller, homogenous (narrowly defined) collective bargaining units lend themselves to easier organization than do larger, more diverse (widely inclusive) groupings (Burda 1993; Gullett and Kroll 1990),” (CN, AJ, & HB, 1995). In this paper, I answered the questions listed in Chapter 24, Exhibit 24-2 “Basic Information for the Service or Equipment Description” as they pertain to your selected business.

These questions included : What the service specifically provides, Why this service is different and/or special, What the equipment specifically does, Why this equipment is different and/or special, Required training, if applicable, Regulatory requirements and/or impact, if any Courtesy of Baker and Baker, Dallas, Texas. Works Cited Baker, J. J. (2010). Health Care Finance: Basic Tools for Nonfinancial Managers (Baker i).

Mississauga (Baker ix? : Jones and Bartlett Publishers . CN, W. , AJ, K., & HB, T. (1995). NLRB rule making: the impact of regulatory reform on hospital unionization… The National Labor Relations Board. Hospital Topics. Ray, L. (2009, September 26). Types of Services in Hospitals. Retrieved from LiveStrong. Com: http://www. livestrong. com/article/24662-types-services-hospitals/ In this paper, I will answer the questions listed in Chapter 24, Exhibit 24-2 “Basic Information for the Service or Equipment Description” as they pertain to your selected business.

These questions will include : What the service specifically provides, Why this service is different and/or special, What the equipment specifically does, Why this equipment is different and/or special, Required training, if applicable, Regulatory requirements and/or impact, if any Courtesy of Baker and Baker, Dallas, Texas. The investment company, seeking funding/financing for a type of health care business that I chose, would be a Hospital or Clinic.

A hospital has many services where they perform procedures on many patients for all different types of reasons. And the services that are specifically provided by a hospital or a Clinic would include: Emergency care, Maternity, Nursing, Surgery, pharmacy, and other specialties. “Most hospitals provide emergency care for traumas and other serious conditions. Emergency room staffs are prepared to provide triage and stabilize patients until they can be moved to a room or treated and released,” (Ray, 2009).

The maternity Ward is where hospitals provide maternity care. This part of the hospital provides rooms to mothers so that they can give birth, nurse their babies, and help with recovery. And hospitals staff the largest number of nurses that work all over the hospital. These nurses work aside doctors and provide patients with care to help them recover. A hospital is able to provide patients with care for so many different medical reasons, so having the proper equipment for surgeries such as transplants, heart surgeries, and or repairing broken bones.

“Hospitals provide pharmacy services that supply patients with medications as prescribed. In addition to providing inpatients with medicine, many hospital pharmacies can fill prescriptions for patients as they leave,” (Ray, 2009). Hospitals also provide specialty services. These services may include: cancer centers or rehabilitation units. Now I will explain why this service is different and/or special, What the equipment specifically does “Hospitals offer a variety of services that mainly cover inpatient

procedures that require overnight stays or outpatient operations that require anesthesia or use of expensive diagnostic and surgical equipment,” (Ray, 2009). In my opinion, this explains both questions. And a hospitals equipment is different and/or special because it is a place where people know they can get their care needs meet. The equipment is also different and special because it suitable for all people. This include patient of all ages. Some of hospitals special equipment would be an EKG machine and Sonar.

These are just two different and special types of equipment that a hospital has, to help a patient to recover. Regulatory requirements and/or impact, if any Courtesy of Baker and Baker, Dallas, Texas. “The National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB’s) 1991 decision to recognize eight bargaining units of hospital employees as eligible for union representation and the Supreme Court rulings upholding that decision created an unprecedented level of speculation within the healthcare industry. Prior to this, the NLRB had recognized three bargaining units.

Healthcare executives speculated that the NLRB decision would cause union activity to proliferate unchecked because of the group dynamics of the narrowly defined bargaining units (Burda 1993; Hospitals & Health Networks 1993; Gullett and Kroll 1990). The fear on the part of executives in the healthcare industry of a proliferation of union activity was grounded in various studies showing that smaller, homogenous (narrowly defined) collective bargaining units lend themselves to easier organization than do larger, more diverse (widely inclusive) groupings (Burda 1993; Gullett and Kroll 1990),” (CN, AJ, & HB, 1995).

In this paper, I answered the questions listed in Chapter 24, Exhibit 24-2 “Basic Information for the Service or Equipment Description” as they pertain to your selected business. These questions included : What the service specifically provides, Why this service is different and/or special, What the equipment specifically does, Why this equipment is different and/or special, Required training, if applicable, Regulatory requirements and/or impact, if any Courtesy of Baker and Baker, Dallas, Texas.

Works Cited Baker, J. J. (2010). Health Care Finance: Basic Tools for Nonfinancial Managers (Baker i). Mississauga (Baker ix? : Jones and Bartlett Publishers . CN, W. , AJ, K. , & HB, T. (1995). NLRB rule making: the impact of regulatory reform on hospital unionization… The National Labor Relations Board. Hospital Topics. Ray, L. (2009, September 26). Types of Services in Hospitals. Retrieved from LiveStrong. Com: http://www. livestrong. com/article/24662-types-services-hospitals/.

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