Bladder cancer

A 2008 study commissioned by the World Health Organisation concluded that “specific fruit and vegetables may act to reduce the risk of bladder cancer. “[7] Fruit and yellow-orange vegetables, particularly carrots and those containing selenium,[ are probably associated with a moderately reduced risk of bladder cancer. Citrus fruits and cruciferous vegetables were also identified as having a possibly protective effect.

However an analysis of 47,909 men in the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study showed little correlation between cancer reduction and high consumption of fruits and vegetables overall, or yellow or green leafy vegetables specifically, compared to the statistically significant reduction among those men who consumed large amounts of cruciferous vegetables. Several studies have suggested the bladder is one of the most responsive organs to induction of detoxification enzymes by extract.

This was evident in human bladder cancer cells in vitro and in animal models in vivo. Sulforaphane and broccoli sprout extract were also observed to induce apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in human bladder cancer cells in vitro, an anti-cancer effect attributed to the sulforaphane potential in the sprouts.

SOURCE http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Bladder_cancerhttps://www. google. com. ph/search?q=bladder+cancer+L OGO&newwindow=1&biw=1746&bih=830&source=lnms&tbm=isch&s a=X&ei=JnApVKfnPMPxoATLqID4Cw&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ TRIVIA The main warning sign for bladder cancer is blood in the urine a constant need to urinate may be a sign of bladder cancer, but is more often associated with a urinary tract infection. BLADDer CANCER Awareness BLADDer CANCER M15 Gayados, Simon B. SUB TO: Ma’am Deponio BLADDER CANCER.

Bladder cancer is any of several types of cancer arising from the epithelial lining (i. e. , the urothelium) of the urinary bladder. Rarely the bladder is involved by non-epithelial cancers, such as lymphoma or sarcoma, but these are not ordinarily included in the colloquial term “bladder cancer. ” It is a disease in which abnormal cells multiply without control in the bladder. [1]The most common type of bladder cancer recapitulates the normal histology of the urothelium and is known as transitional cell carcinoma or more properly urothelial cell carcinoma. Five-year survival rates in the United States are around 77%.

Bladder cancer characteristically causes blood (redness) in the urine. This blood in the urine may be visible to the naked eye (gross/macroscopic hematuria) or detectable only by microscope (microscopic hematuria). Hematuria is the most common symptom in bladder cancer. It occurs in approximately 80-90% of the patients. Other possible symptoms include pain during urination, frequent urination, or feeling the need to urinate without being able to do so. These signs and symptoms are not specific to bladder cancer, and are also caused by non-cancerous conditions, including prostate infections, over-active bladder and cystitis.

There are many other causes of hematuria, such as bladder or ureteric stones, infection, kidney disease, kidney cancers and vascular malformations. Patients with advanced disease refer pelvic or bony pain, lower-extremity edema, or flank pain. Rarely a palpable mass can be detected on physical examination. SMOKING CAUSES: Tobacco smoking is the main known contributor to urinary bladder cancer; in most populations, smoking is associated with over half of bladder cancer cases in men and one-third of cases among women. There is a linear relationship between smoking and risk, and quitting smoking reduces the risk. Passive smoking has not been proven to be involved.

Thirty percent of bladder tumors probably result from occupational exposure in the workplace to carcinogens such as benzidine. 2-Naphthylamine, which is found in cigarette smoke, has also been shown to increase bladder cancer risk. Occupations at risk are bus drivers, rubber workers, motor mechanics, leather (including shoe) workers, blacksmiths, machine setters, and mechanics. [8] Hairdressers are thought to be at risk as well because of their frequent exposure to permanent hair dyes.

Bladder cancer is the growth of malignant cells in the urinary bladder. Most forms of bladder cancer start in the superficial layer of the transitional epithelium, and most often affect the transitional cells. It may also be called transitional cell …

In known history of bladder cancer, it was researched by a German physician named Ludwig Rehn, and was known for over one hundred and fifty years ago. He investigated causes, symptoms, and other types of healing for the disease. He …

This paper is about prostate cancer and how it affects must of the African American. It is also to know more about prostate cancer and how it can be treat, and also what are the consequences and affection of this …

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the common cases encountered in medical practice. The National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that UTI’s account for about 8. 3 million doctor visits each year (National …

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