Argumentative Essay on Healthcare System Efficiency

The advent of technology and the massive rush of healthcare system innovation has led several countries come to a clash of dominance or efficiency in the context of healthcare services. Such form of competition however, may not be blatantly presupposed in the explicit content, hence many are unaware that this is fervently one of the most vital issues that must be taken into higher regard for reasons which facts and figures shall be able to suppress.

The United States and the United Kingdom are considerably the most controversial dominating countries by which any form of system or delivery of basic services imposed are placed into a test of grave analytical denouement and deliberatively decisive debate (Exworthy, Bindman, Davies, & Washington, 2006).

Amongst all the political and socio-economic issues that came along with the whole gist of the scenario, it is the healthcare system arena that struck numerous critics thus making factual and critical analysis on which country has gained the most celebrated policies for the betterment of its constituents—and this argument would lead to a marvel of conclusion on the admirable effectiveness of the UK. On the basis of financial management in the allocation for medical services, it is evident that the Americans are spending as much as $5274 for each individual compared to UK’s $2164 per annum—quite a large piece of the country’s money.

Even though there appears to be a glitch on this certain matter considering the fact that the United States comprise a larger population and a humongous number of low-income individuals compared to United Kingdom’s average rated populace, the truth of the matter shall be sought with the matter that the higher the number of population, the healthcare management should have been rationally and statistically studied so as to get a proportionate number of the services which are to be catered over the individuals who are to be treated or offered with the service.

Consequently, there are more sick people in the US than in the UK—healthy lifestyle basis for that instance—and that reason alone is viable enough to state that the factors that may have made the Americans sick is a manifestation that the US are not paying much attention on preventing their inhabitants to get ill. Moreover, the UK National Health Service has no age criterion for eligibility.

Unlike that of US’ allocation only for citizens older than 65 years—it may be granted with the perception that the UK medical service analysts focus on its citizens’ health and welfare rather than on the life expectancy rate alone (Banks, Marmot, Oldfield, & Smith, 2006). In a larger concept of this, health services should not only be given to few but to each and every individual.

The fact that there always those who are unable to sustain their fees for medical services, then they should get all the help that they could possibly get when they are still young than only to get the health service allocation when things may or has been worse—there’s always a saying that “prevention is better than cure.

” The US may be in a tower pedestal in the field of surgical mechanics and other severe health technological machineries or gadgets, but these can be treated by the UK system as well. Americans may give a standpoint that they give the “best” of what they have for every sick person that visits their hospital, but what about those who are intimidated in tagging along in hospitals for financial reasons? The question remains a cliche waiting to be unfolded.

Further, the Commonwealth Fund 2004 International Health Policy Survey conducted an evaluation and assessment in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States about their primary care experiences and appraised the feedbacks taken from the respondents of the research. Among the five countries, the U. K. health care system appears to provide the most equitable access among its inhabitants. Divergence by income transversely on primary care procedures was characteristically minute, with few noteworthy disproportions.

The U. K is also notable for shielding and focusing on low-income adults, as well as high-income adults, against financial burdens—a vital factor to prove that the UK is excelling more on the delivery of healthcare services not only in comparison with the US but with others as well. There may appear to be several factors which still need to be considered before the efficiency of a healthcare system in a certain country shall be thoroughly assessed and jump into a final conclusion.

Hence, to give a spice to the issue that is seemingly bugging the majority of the public on whether or not one’s country is really doing its best on applying what they have acquired in medical school or the administrators who are responsible in handling the managerial perspectives of the system and the implementation of the policies—there is no precise assurance yet. The healthcare system has only been furnished for a few years only, as what many critics would state as a “budding” act towards general welfare and development.

But the statistics which has been taken into account over several researches must not be taken for granted in the light of this argument. This feud between on the context of efficiency and the partial results which were able to twig out of the matter must not demoralize other countries from realizing that the English country is surpassing what seemed to be the “short-coming” or the inability, per se. It must nevertheless serve as a triggering idea that change must be made so as to save more lives not only for the immediate generation but for long-term series.

The United States must collaborate with the United Kingdom and vice-versa, there are still a lot to be polished in the policies lobbied in the realm of healthcare and medical services (Smith, 2002), but time must not be wasted and ideas must not be kept—it is through the voice of the citizens that the government of the respective countries shall hoard what needs to be sewed.


Banks, J. , Marmot, M. , Oldfield, Z. , & Smith, J. P. (2006). Disease and Disadvantage in the United States and in England (Publication.Retrieved November 19, 2007, from American Medical Association: http://jama. ama-assn. org/cgi/content/full/295/17/2037 Exworthy, M. , Bindman, A. , Davies, H. T. O. , & Washington, E. (2006). Evidence into Policy and Practice? Measuring the Progress of U. S. and U. K. Policies to Tackle Disparities and Inequalities in Health and Health Care (Publication. Retrieved November 19, 2007: http://www. commonwealthfund. org/publications/publications_show. htm? doc_id=374774 Smith, P. C. (2002). Measuring Health System Performance. The European Journal of Health Economics, 3(3), 6.

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