Anatomy and physiology of Voice and Speech

The Alexander Technique is used to help to teach people about how efficiently and effortlessly they can use their bodies in everyday life. Often, we develop bad posture and habits without being aware of this, and expend too much energy or muscle force to achieve a task. Alexander Technique teachers help to adjust the client’s posture to recognise the difference between current habits and what it feels like to use muscles with minimum effort and in a relaxed, fluid way. The Technique teaches how to become more aware of your own posture, balance and movement in everyday life.

Learning Outcome 1 Anatomy and physiology of Voice and Speech HNC Acting and Performance Breathing 1) The principal bony structures involved in the breathing process are the ribs, spine and breast bone. 2) The primary muscles used in breathing are the Diaphragm, Abdominal (rectus abdominis) and muscles of the ribs (external intercostals). 3) The diaphragm is a large dome shaped muscle located under the rib cage. During inspiration the diaphragm contracts and is used to draw air into the lungs. The external intercostals are responsible for the elevation of the ribs and expanding the dimensions of the thoracic cavity.

Rectus abdominis is attached to the lowest point of the pelvis girdle the pubis symphysis and is a sheet of muscle extending the front lower ribs its main function is to protect the viscera (belly). 4) The primary muscles used in breathing are the Diaphragm, Abdominal (rectus abdominis) and muscles of the ribs (internal intercostals). 5) During expiration the diaphragm rises and forms a dome shape, the internal intercostals depress the ribs and the rectus abdominis contracts during expiration and assists in the depressing of the ribs.

6) Your habitual breathing pattern is the way that you transport oxygen into the body and carbon dioxide out of the body. An adult typically breathes between 12 and 20 times per minute. 7) As an actor we use breathing exercises to control and regulate our breathing. Also for reducing stress and obtaining a relaxed clear state of mind. 8) Breath counting: Sit in a comfortable position with the spine straight and head inclined slightly forward. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Then let the breath come naturally without trying to influence it. Begin the exercise by counting 1 to yourself as you exhale.

The next time you exhale, count 2 and keep doing it till you get to the highest number you possibly can. 9) The respiratory cycle is made up of inspiration and expiration. Inspiration begins with the contraction of the diaphragm resulting in an increase in negative pressure; this negative pressure generates airflow because of the pressure differences in the atmosphere, air enter, inflating the lung through the mouth or nose. Expiration is the movement of air out of the bronchial tubes, through the airways and back out through the mouth or nose. Exhaled air is rich in carbon dioxide and is the waste product of the respiratory cycle.

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